About Cooperative Extension Youth-Adult Partnerships and Learning Nutrition and Health Creating a Culture of Health and Wellness Reliable Information and Understanding Data
What is Land-Grant University?
The acronym LGU stands for...
What are youth-adult partnerships?
This is the practice of multiple youth and multiple adults deliberating and acting together, in collective fashion, over a sustained period of time, through shared work, intended to promote social justice, strengthen an organization and/or affirmatively address a community issue.
What is MyPlate?
This is the current nutrition guide represented by a food circle depicting a place setting with a plate and glass divided into five food groups.
What are Social Determinants of Health?
According to the World Health Organization, these describe the circumstances in which people are: born, grow up, live, work, age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness.
What is County Health Rankings & Roadmaps?
This website show us that where we live matters to our health. It shows us our county's health outcomes and health factors in relation to other counties in the state.
What is 1862?
This is the year that the University of Idaho was established.
What is virual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write.
These are the four learning styles highlighted in one model called VARK.
What is the Talk Test?
The test used to determine if an activity is at a moderate pace.
What is health?
This term means a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmary.
What is an educational institution?
When a website url contains a ".edu," it is what type of site.
What are 42 of the 44 counties?
Extension offices are located in this many of the 44 Idaho counties
What is Tokenism?
This is the name of the level of participation where youth are invited to be members of a group, but they have limited voice.
What is a chronic disease?
A long-lasting condition that can usually be controlled and not cured.
What is the Social Ecological Model?
This model provides a framework for thinking about the many influences on health and behavior. Often these influences interact. The model suggests that health is affected by the interaction and the individual, the friends and family, the organizations they are a part of, and the community, as well as their physical, social, and political environments.
What is a federal government website, sometimes state website?
When a website url contains a ".gov," it is what type of site.
Who is Dr. Seaman Knapp?
This person is known as the "Father of Extension."
What are Adult Learners?
These types of learners' readiness to learn are more likely motivated by needs related to coping with a life change.
What is 20%?
The %Daily Value threshold that indicates when a nutrient per serving is considered high on the nutrition label. (answer is a percentage)
What is the Health Belief Model?
This model is used to help explain why people do or do not adopt recommended health actions. A person’s belief on their susceptibility to a health condition, how severe it will be, and their perceived benefits nad barriesr impact behavior. A few important assumptions underlie this model: it assumes people make the best decisions if they feel it is possible to address the health issue; if they believe that taking action will be effective; and if they believe they are able to take action or make change. It also assumes that people are rational (which may not always be true).
What are academic, government, and peer-reviewed journals?
All information is not created equal. These types of evidence/research are "top of the pyramid" (the most trustworthy information we can find).
What is the Smith-Lever Act?
This is the name of the act that was passed in 1914 that created Extension as an organizational entity of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Land-Grant System.
What is Hart's Ladder of Participation?
The eight levels of young people's participation is represented in this metaphor.
What are vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium?
These are the four nutrients of concern listed on the new nutrition label.
What is health equity?
This term means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.
What are the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute?
The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps website is a collaboration between what two organizations (only have to indicate one of the two organizations to get the points).

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