Defining Examples Scenerios Signs Take a Chance
What is Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, Major Injury, Moderate Injury
What are the 5 criteria for a Komninos Law Incident?
What is When you are done taking a shower, then we can go to the store.
What is a “When, Then” statement?
What is No, you need to call 911 immediately and monitor them until police/paramedics arrive.
A client states they are going to commit suicide and they go in their room and close their room and ask for some space, do you leave them alone?
What is true.
True or False: Some signs of abuse or neglect, may also be signs of a development disability or mental illness (i.e. stemming, isolation, etc.)
What is No, some individuals don’t understand sarcasm and can perceive it as verbal abuse.
Is sarcasm okay to use when talking with individuals, Why or why not?
What is Komninos’ Law Notification Own Guardian document
If there is a Komninos Law UIR and the individual is their own guardian, what should you look for?
What is Call Troy, call guardians/family members if checked off on document, create UIR, call support coordinator
A client told you a staff was sleeping on shift. What do you do?
What is Neglect.
A client has an appointment to renew medications, an employee decides they don’t feel like going, is this abuse, neglect, or exploitation?
What is Signs include:
o Filthy, chaotic, and hazardous environment
o Unclean body or clothes
o Signs of dehydration or starvation
o Denying access to relationships or activities
o Encouraging engagement in illegal behavior
o Medical issues not addressed
o Failing to administer medications and/or prepare food as prescribed
o Accidents or incidents that occur due to lack of supervision (choking, falling, hit by a car,
ingesting poison, etc.)
What are signs of Neglect?
What is at least 3 attempts with voicemails each time.
How many times do staff need to call the guardian when there is a Komninos Law incident?
What is only Troy can see the UIR and he will decide who needs to be interviewed for that specific UIR
Why should “confidential” be checked off for Komnino’s Law UIRs?
What is Exploitation.
What is this? - You are at the store with a client and you are buying food and you forgot your wallet, so you ask the client to pay for you and you will pay them back tomorrow.
What is #2.
If you catch a peer yelling at a client, do you 1) leave the room and report it later 2) separate the client from the employee and use crisis management to calm the client down, and report the employee 3) yell at the other staff and call a supervisor.
What is no.
True or False: An individual that has a bruise does that automatically mean they were a subject of abuse.
What is False
Other staff members should be notified of a Komnino’s law UIR? T/F
What is verbal, sexual, physical, psychological
What are the 4 types of abuse?
What is Yes.
Is this a rights violation: “Johnny, I’m not taking you out right now because I don’t feel like it”
What is it would not be abuse.
Staff is yelling to a client in the next room that dinner is ready. The client later states the staff was yelling at him. Is this abuse?
What is true.
True or False: Missing Money from an individual is a sign of exploitation?
What is no.
If an investigation has been opened, employees can discuss everything they discussed with the investigator
What is 2 hours.
How many hours do you have to contact the guardians/contacts 3 times when a client reports a Komnino’s law allegation to you?
What is yes it would be verbal/psychological abuse.
Staff are picking on a client in a joking manner, the client is laughing now but reports that the staff later. Would this be considered abuse?
What is true.
True of False: Is wetting the bed a sign of sexual abuse?
What is Troy Uprite.
Besides the guardian and/or family member, and the support coordinator, who needs to be called for Komninos’ Law UIRs?

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