Hypertension Valvular, Inflammatory & Infectious Disorders Occlusive Disorders Arrhythmias Heart Failure
What is diastole
This term describes the filling of the cardiac ventricles with blood and results in the lower number of the blood pressure reading.
What is a murmur
Leaking of blood through chambers can be auscultated and documented as this medical term.
What is HDLs
This is the type of cholesterol you want high levels of in your blood stream to assist with lowering the bad cholesterols in your blood stream.
What is atrial fibrillation or A-fib
This cardiac arrhythmia can be tolerated lifelong if the client is compliant with anticoagulation therapy and the heart rate is controlled.
What is heart transplant
The one cure for heart failure is this:
What is the morning
This is proper time of day to educate hypertensive patients to take their diuretic medications.
What is thrombophlebitis
This is a venous disorder defined as inflammation of a vein which can result along with DVT.
What is coronary artery bypass grafting or CABG.
This surgical intervention requires harvesting the client's long saphenous vein for use in the heart.
What is asystole
This cardiac rhythm displays no electrical conduction taking place in the heart.
What is echocardiogram
Heart failure is diagnosed with this noninvasive diagnostic test.
What is a beta-blocker
This type of hypertensive medication works by inhibiting the effects of norephinephrine at the beta-1 receptors in the heart.
What is mitral valve prolapse or regurgitation.
This valvular disorder causes a murmur best auscultated over the apex of the heart.
What is peripheral arterial disease.
This is the name of an arterial disorder that occurs due to the narrowing of arterial circulation.
What is sinus tachycardia
This type of heart rhythm is noted on the clients normal rhythm when the rate is over 100 beats per minute.
What is oxygen
Fill in the blank.
Heart failure is defined as the hearts inability to keep up with the _________ demands of the body.
What is sodium or salt
This dietary supplement can be avoided in the diet to assist with lowering blood pressure.
What is aortic stenosis
This cardiac valve disorder causes obstruction of blood from the left ventricle and can be resolved with complete valve replacement.
What are venous stasis ulcers.
These type of ulcers are found on the client's bilateral lower extremities and are accompanied with warm, brownish, hard leathery skin.
What is a-flutter
This type of cardiac dysrhythmia is noted with a ratio of atrial beats to ventricle beats.
What is left sided heart failure
This type of heart failure results in pulmonary congestion, auscultated crackles, and dyspnea.
What is thiazide diuretics
This class if antihypertensive medication works by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium ions in the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron.
What is cardiac tamponade
This medical term is given to the life-threatening build up of fluid in the pericardial sac causing tight compression on the heart which must be quickly drained by pericardiocentesis.
What is Buerger's disease.
This disease causes inflammation of the small/medium arteries of the hands and feet which can lead to vasospasms, ischemia, and gangrene.
What is ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation.
This lethal rhythm can be shocked back into a normal rhythm when noted on the ECG monitor if acted upon quickly.
What is right sided heart failure
With this type of heart failure, the blood backs up into the body leading the systemic fluid overload noted by edema in the dependent lower extremities.

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