
Unit 3 Assessment Marks of the Church (Lesson 14) Prophets Challenge the People & Ignatius of Loyola Prophet Isiah (video)
King Solomon
Who built a great temple to God on Mount Zion?
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
What are the four marks of the Church?
What year Ignatius formed a religious community?
6 angels.
How many angels were on prophet Isiah's vision/dream?
The Book of Psalms is a collection o how many sacred songs and poems?
The summary of our faith.
What is the Nicene Creed?
Society of Jesus
What is the name of the religious community formed by Ignatius?
Isiah's message was about asking people to stop sinning.
What was prophet Isiah's message about?
Christmas is a season
Christmas is one day in the liturgical year?
(True or False?)
What does Catholic means?
Amos was the prophet for Israel.
(True of False?)
They were conquer by the Babylonians and turned into slaves.
What happened to the Israel people for not listening to Isiah message?
The actual stone tables received by Moses.
What does the "Ark of the Covenant" was said to held?
The Church is Apostolic because trace it's traditions directly from the Apostles.
What makes the Church Apostolic?
Jeremiah's message was about people powerful people from his time (priests, and rulers) not obeying the terms of the covenant from Abraham and Moses.
What was prophet Jeremiah's message about?
Isiah told his people that a sinless king will come.
What was the hope message that Isiah told his people, after they were in slavery?
The Church is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it traces its traditions directly from the apostles.
Mary praises the gift of grace.
Mary, the Example of Perfect Holiness. What does she praise to God on Luke 1:46?
Amos spoke about justice, and the way the wealthy people were treating the poor.
What was prophet Amos message about?
Jesus Christ
Who was the king that Isiah was referring to, on this message of hope?
The Passover.
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What is celebrated as a memorial to God for saving the Hebrews from slavery?

Lesson 14th - Prophets Challenge the People + Unit Review

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