Disease of the Integumentary System

Skin... It's what we are living in! Skin Lesions Skin Disorders Combining Forms Don't Scare Me Scary Combining Forms Burns and Skin Grafts
What are sudoriferous glands?
Glands that produce sweat
What is a macule?
The medical term for a freckle
What is a first degree burn?
A burn that damages only the epidermis
What is melan/o?
The combining form for black
What is sudor/o or hidr/o?
The combining form sweat.
What is an autograft?
Skin graft taken from part of one's own body and placed on another part of their body.
What is keratin ?
Name for the hard protein material that gives the waterproof characteristic to our skin.
What is an abscess?
A localized collection of pus at the site of infection.
What is tinea?
A fungal infection on the skin (also called ringworm)
What is adip/o, lip/o, or steat/o?
One of the combining forms for fat
What is scler/o?
The combining form for hardening.
What is xenograft or heterograft?
Skin graft taken from a foreign/strange donor and placed on a human.
What is the basal layer?
The deepest layer of the epidermis
What is an open comedo?
Another term for a blackhead
What is psoriasis?
Skin condition in which the epidermal cells produce faster than the normal rate leaving round red patches with thick, dry silver scales.
What is ichthy/o?
The combining form for dry, scaly
What is myc/o?
The combining form for fungus.
What is homograft or allograft?
Skin taken from one human being and placed on another human being.
What is melanin?
This black pigment is found in the basal layer of the epidermis and protects us from skin cancer causing UV radiation.
What is a wart?
Another name for a verruca
What is vitiligo?
Milky white patches on skin due to loss of skin pigment in patches.
What is pil/o and trich/o ?
Both of the combining forms for hair
What is xer/o?
The combining form for dry.
What is synthetic?
Man made skin graft placed on a human being.
What is sebum?
This substance is acidic in nature and helps destroy harmful bacteria on the skin
What is a carbuncle ?
The medical term for multiple abscesses or furuncles that originates in a hair follicle.
What is basal cell carcinoma?
Name of the skin cancer that starts in the basal layer of the epidermis. It is slow growing and rarely metastasizes.
What is onych/o and ungu/o?
Both of the combining forms for nail
What is xen/o?
The combining form for foreign, strange.
What are third degree burns?
Burns that damage the epidermis and dermis and can extend down into the bone or muscle.
What is petechiae?
Small pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin

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