Water Quality and Sources Human Influences Natural Influence
What is an Aquifer?
An underground saturated zone where water is stored.
What is Water waste?
Water waste is water that has been used and external substances have been mixed with.
How do droughts affect the water table?
The water table gradually lowers.
Can water be extracted directly from our fresh lakes and be used? Why?
Water cannot be used directly from our lakes.
How do Farming Practices affect the Water table?
When these industries discharge their water resources, less water comes back into these ecosystems.
How do floods affect the water table?
The water table gradually raises.
How do underground water sources connect to aquifers?
Aquifers are the main sources of underground water sources.
How does Water Diversions affect the water table?
If more water is used than replaced. It affects the water system .
How do earthquakes affect the water table?
The water table is affected directly. In earthquake prone areas. The water table usually is less.

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