Articles of Confederation Constitutional Convention Checks & Balances AOC/Oridinaces/ Checks and Balance Constitutional Convention/ Bill of Rights/Seperation of Powers
What is a weak federal government/ a small alliance between states
How would one describe the AOC
What is VA & NJ plan
What state plans were put forth in Constitutional convention.
What is power was separated by 3 branches of government: Legislative, Executive, Judicial
How was power separated through checks and balances. Creation of different what???
What is A way in which land is surveyed
what was the Ordinance of 1785
What is Bill of Rights
What is the First 10 Amendments Called
What is Too much power to states, central govt. could not do much
What was the main weakness of AOC
What is 3/5th compromise and Electoral College
What compromises were put forth to appease the Federalists and Anti-Federalists
What is Article 5
What article number 1-7 deals with Amending the Constitution
What is A government set up for the NW territories
What was the Northwest Ordinance
What is Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
What is the First Amendment. List all 5 Freedoms.
What is Anti-Federalists.
What Group disapproved of a strong central government.
What is VA had states based on population, NJ stated all states should be equal.
What did the VA &NJ plan do
What is Legislative Branch
What branch is checked if the President has the power to veto a bill
What is Shay's Rebellion
When citizens were taxed highly, the people suffered. Mainly the farmers, it led to an event. Which Event?
What is Created the Bill of Rights
What did Federalists and Anti-federalists do to unite the Constitution
What is Congress had no power to collect taxes, regulate trade, enforce laws. There was no single leader or no national court. Congress could not pass laws without approval of 9 states and laws could not be changed without all 13 states agreeing.
What were the weaknesses of the AOC
What is slaves counted as 3/5ths of a person. North wanted slaves counted for taxation, South wanted them counted for more population to be represented in congress.
What was the 3/5th compromise
What is Judicial Branch
What branch can overturn a law
What is Executive
What Branch can appoint judges?
What is James Madison
Who wrote the Bill of Rights
What is they were afraid of a central ruler/king/ that would have too much power and states would not have an opinion.
Why was the one group, mainly against a strong central government.
What is 2/3 vote in both houses of congress and then 3/4 vote in state legislature to be passed.
How do you amend the Constitution? What houses and what percent's are needed to vote and pass laws.
What is Executive and Judicial.
The Legislative branch can turn down a supreme court nominee, what branch(s) are being checked.
What is Legislative
What Branch approves treaties
What is the Intro to the Constitution, and that all the people, to make a better government, make laws fair, create peace, defend ourselves, make things good for all and for future generations, declare the constitution to be law.
What is the Preamble and what does it mean?

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