Brains Parenting 101 Adoption is an Option So you want to have a baby Wild Child
What is wiring?
A system of fibers that allows signals to travel within the brain.
What is love-withdrawal?
Form of discipline when parents threaten children or suggest some form of parent/child separation
What is an adoption agency?
A state funded or private agency licensed by the state to handle adoptions
What is infertile?
Term used to refer to a person who is unable to conceive after a year of trying
What is a multicultural family?
Families with members from two or more cultural groups
What are neurons?
Cells in the brain that send and receive electrical impulses
What is power-assertion?
Form of discipline in which parents use or threaten some form of physical punishment
What is a closed adoption?
An adoption where the adoptive family has no contact with the birth parents
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
A law that protects the rights of workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for various family-related reasons
What is the family life cycle?
Stages that show family changes
What is pruning?
Ability of the brain to weed out unused connections
What is induction?
Form of discipline in which parents reason and explain
What is an open adoption?
The type of adoption where the birth family and adoptive family keep lines of communication open where the child is concerned
What is paternity leave?
The time a man takes off from work for a set period of time after a child's birth or adoption
What is a teachable moment?
Time when a person can learn a new task because the body is physically ready, caregivers encourage and support, and the child feels a strong desire to learn
What is brain plasticity?
The ability of the brain to change or adapt to the evironment.
What is permissive?
Type of parenting style where parents give children almost no guidelines or rules
What is an illegal market adoption? (Black Market Adoption)
An adoption where a child is bought or sold
What is family planning?
Decisions couples make about the desired number and spacing of children
What are the principles of growth and development?
Results of studies that describe how humans are alike
What is a window of opportunity?
Prime period in a child's life for developing a particular skill
What is guidance?
Words or actions parents use to influence their child's behavior
What is an independent adoption?
A type of adoption arranged by the birthparents, adoptive family, and usually one other person
What are assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs)?
Methods infertile couples can use to help them concieve
What is fertility counseling?
Medical evaluation that seeks to determine the reasons for fertility problems and explore available treatment options

Child Development 1 Ch. 1-3 (A)

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