US Government Officials Vocab Classifying Government Citizenship The American Revolution
Donald Trump and Mike Pence
Who is the President and Vice President of the United States?
What term means "withdrawn" or "cancelled"?
Direct Democracy- each member of state or group votes on issues; is impractical for big states. Everyone represents themselves
Define the two types of democracy
Clarified who can be classified as a US citizen.
What is the 14th amendment?
George Washington
Who became the commander of the continental army?
Senator Murphy and Blumenthal
Who are the two Senators of Connecticut?
What is the joining of several groups for a common purpose?
Oligarchy- a small group holds all the political power

Autocracy- A single person holds all individual power
Define the two types of dictatorship
Someone living in the United States who are "Nationals of a foreign country.
Define an alien
First major act of Rebellion from the colonists. Taxed tea was thrown into the ocean
Explain the significance of the Boston Tea Party
Rex Tillerson
Who is the former Secretary of State?
Connecticut Compromise
What is the agreement that Congress should be composed of a senate, in which states would be represented equally, a house which representation would be based on a states population?
Federal - power is shared between a central government and several local government

Confederate - A group of individual local governments unite for the same cause, all equal in power
Define a federal system and a confederate system
Jus soli - someone earning citizenship by being born in the US
Jus sanguinis - being born outside the US, but still
Define jus soli and jus sanguinis
Second continental congress, which lasted five years.
What was the first formal government of the U.S and how long did it last?
Jeff Sessions
Who is the attorney general of the US?
Articles of confederation
"a firm league of friendship" among the states, but allowed a few important powers to the central government
Democracy, Federal, Presidential
Which 3 terms under the 3 "classifications" of government best describe the US government?
Expatriation, Denaturalization
List two processes through which someone living in the US can lose their citizenship
It was the idea for the colonists to come together to form a military/navy.
Why was the Albany Plan significant to the U.S?
John Roberts
Who is the head justice of the Supreme Court?
Popular Sovereignty
What is the basic principle of the American system of government which asserts that people are the source of any and all governmental power, and government can exist only with the consent with the governed?
Parliamentary - Legislative and judicial branch are united. Prime minister voted by Parliament.

Presidential- Legislative and executive branches are separate. President voted by the people. Executive not "controlled" by congress

Define Presidential and Parliamentary government
- Must be 18 years of age.
- Must be fluent in English
- Must have an extensive knowledge in American government and history
- Must have lived in the US for at least 5 years.
- Must have entered the US legally
List five requirements to become a naturalized citizen
Crispus Attucks
Who was the first African American that died in the American Revolution?

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