Split in the Democratic Party Two Political Races Confederate States of America The Union's Response Failure of Compromise
The Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln
Who did the Republicans nominate for the presidential elections?
Abraham Lincoln and Stephan Douglass were supported in the North
Who was supported in the North?
South Carolina was the first state to withdraw from the union.
What state was the first state to withdraw from the union?
The South said that the North would force them to abolish slavery.
What did the South state that the North would force them to do?
John Crittenden was from Kentucky
Which state was John J. Crittenden from?
The Southerners left twice.
How many times did the southerners left the conventions/ or meetings?
John Breckinridge and John Bell were supported in the south.
Who was supported in the South?
Delegates from the states that had withdrawn met in Montgomery, Alabama.
Where did the states that had withdrawn meet in 1861?
President James Buchanan
Who believed that the constitution was made to prevent things like the nation getting weak?
The Crittenden compromise that because slavery is outlawed, slave owners should be paid.
What is the Crittenden compromise?
The northerners wanted the party to support popular sovereignty, in deciding whether a state should be a slave state or a free one.
What did the northerners want the party to support?
Lincoln and Breckinridge were considered to have the most extreme views on slavery. Lincoln opposed slavery expansion into the territories. Breckinridge insisted that the federal government had to protect slavery in any territory.

Who were considered to have the most extreme views on slavery and why?

Southerners argued that since the states had voluntarily joined the union, they could voluntarily leave it.
What was the southerner's argument about?
The south was not willing to live with the election results.
What was the South not willing to live with?
It was presented to congress in early 1861.
When was it presented to Congress?
The fourth party in the race, was the constitutional union party.
What was the fourth party in the race?
They saw a threat to their way of life in the Republican's victory.

What did the white southerners see in the Republican's victory?
The confederacy made plans to defend their separation from the union.
What did the confederacy plan?
He believed that states did not have the right to withdraw from the union because the federal government was being sovereign.

What did President James Buchanan believe?
He wrote that slavery should be protected south of the line established in the Missouri Compromise.
What did John Crittenden write?
The southerners wanted the entire party to defend slavery in the party's statement of beliefs.
What did the southerners want the party to believe?
Douglass and Bell were considered moderates because neither of them wanted any new laws passed on slavery.
Who were considered moderates and why?
The Deep South were states with economies that depended on slaves and cotton production.
What was the Deep South?
If withdrawal was allowed, the nation would become weak.
What would happen if withdrawal was allowed?
It was defeated in the Senate.
Where was the Crittenden Compromise defeated?

Civil War: Election of 1860

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