Latin Phrases Roman Landmarks Homer's Characters Those Darn Etruscans Important Ancient Greeks
What is "truth"?
The motto of Harvard is "veritas," meaning this
What is the Forum?
A funny thing happened on the way to this Roman center of government and commerce
Who is Achilles?
This great warrior is named in the first line of the Iliad
What is the Tiber?
The Etruscans mainly lived between the Arno River and this historic river further south
Who is Socrates?
This famous philosopher helped shape modern philosophy with his methods and dialogues, and later helped Bill and Ted finish their history project during their 1989 Excellent Adventure
What is "ex post facto"?
This three word Latin phrase means "retroactively"
What is the Colosseum?
Sun in your eyes while you’re watching gladiatorial combat in this famous amphitheater? No worries – it's got retractable awnings
Who is Odysseus?
This "Nobody" took ten years to return home from the Trojan War
Who is Neptune?
Let’s sea – Nethuns was the Etruscan equivalent of this Roman god
Who is Alexander the Great?
Macedonians will be quick to remind you that this famous ruler was not from modern-day Greece
What is "ad nauseam"?
This phrase indicates that something has gone on to the point of sickness
What is the Pantheon?
Marcus Agrippa, having been made consul three times, made this Roman temple around 125 C.E.
Who is Briseis?
Although her face didn't launch a thousand ships, this captive still caused some fighting between Achilles and Agamemnon
What is the toga?
The Tebenna, an Etruscan mantle, evolved into this garment worn most strikingly by John Belushi
Who is Pericles?
This "first citizen of Athens" is known for his commission to reconstruct the Parthenon, and lends his name to a period in the mid-fifth century B.C.E.
What is "in flagrante [delicto]"?
This phrase is how you catch someone in the middle of a misdeed, often lascivious in nature
What is the Circus Maximus?
Don't forget to thank your local aediles for organizing the games here, the largest stadium in Rome
Who is Circe?
Don't tell Penelope, but Odysseus spends a year feasting with this witch, who turns half his men into swines
What is the wishbone?
Those darn Etruscans were said to use this chicken part to tell their fortune; it wasn’t so lucky for the chicken
Who is Sappho?
Known as the "Tenth Muse," only 650 lines of her poetry survive today
What is "Mortal actions never deceive the gods"?
Ovid coined this phrase that many ancient protagonists ought to remember - "Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"
What is the Theater of Pompey?
Besides the first permanent stage in Rome, this structure was also home to a statue gallery, gardens, temple, and the site of Julius Caesar's assassination
Who are Telemachus and Telegonus?
Although they have similar names, these sons of Odysseus were brothers from (two) other mothers
Who is Augustus?
Maecenas, a leading advisor to this Roman emperor, was descended from Etruscan rulers
Who is Draco?
This early Greek legislator had some way harsh punishments - many offenses would result in death

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