Definitions True or False Fill in the Blanks Multiple Choice
What is a Collectivist
Social trust and reciprocity are examples of this type of value
What is true
True or false: Indian culture prefer to only touch someone else’s hand or arm in conversation as long as they are the same gender
What is SBAR
Fill in the blank- the ----- is a common communication tool used by healthcare professionals that helps “standardize and simplify phone or face-to-face communication”
What is Collectivism
A worldview based on “the assumption that groups bind and mutually obligate to individuals”
What is True
True or false: the prevalence of dyspnea, pain and UTIs is significantly lower in high context facilities
What is Language
Fill in the blank- ----- is one of the most common barriers nurses encounter when providing care to patients from different cultures
What is Individualism
Notion such as autonomy, self-reliance, personal rights and entitlement form this basis
What is False
True or false: when communicating with a non-english speaking patient, using family is a reliable source as a translator even if a hospital interpreter is available.
What are Interpreters
Fill in the blank------“are essential when a nurse-patient language barrier exists”
What is Encoding
A message that is done by turning thoughts into a verbal message. This can be done face to face, written by hand or sent in a text message
What is True
True or false: non-verbal communication affects the way the message is decoded by the receiver and can vary across cultures.
What is high context
Fill in the blank- Countries such as Japan, Greece and several Arab countries use -------- communication
What is Therapeutic communication
Active listening, silence, clarification and paraphrasing are all examples of this type of communication.
What is True
True or false: the demand for transcultural nursing is rising rapidly in multicultural countries
What is low context
Fill in the blank-Countries such as the United States, Germany and Sweden are more prone to focusing on verbal communication which is a form of ----- communication


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