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What is leave a bad scene?
When things go wrong, get out!
What is List your options?
In any situation , you have choices.
What is Replay the Scene?
Review a negative event: What can you differently next time?
What is replace destructive activities?
Eat Candy instead of getting high.
What is Create positive addictions?
Ex. Sports, hobies, AA
What is Honesty?
Secrets and lying are at the core of PTSD and substance abuse.
What is Seek Understanding, not blame?
Listen to your behavior; blaming prevents growth.
What is Set an Action Plan?
Be specific, set a deadline, and let others know about it.
What is Focus on Now?
Do what you can to make today better; don't get overwhelmed by the past or future.
What is Actions first, and feelings will follow?
Don't wait until you feel motivated; just start now.
What is Choose Self-Respect?
Choose whatever will make you like yourself tomorrow.
What is Avoid avoidable suffering?
Prevent bad situations in advance.
What is Think of the Consequences?
REally see the impact for tomorrow, next week, next year.
What is Let Go of Destructive relationships?
If it can't be fixed, detach.
What is Fight the Trigger?
Take an active approach to protect yourself.
What is Set a Boundary?
Say "no" to protect yourself.
What is Watch for Danger signs?
Face a problem before it becomes huge; notice red flags.
What is Trust the Process?
Just keep moving forward; the only way out is through.
What is Tolerate the Feeling?
No Feeling is Final; just get through it safely.
What is Do The Right Thing?
Do what you know will help you, even if you don't like it.
What is When in doubt, do what's hardest?
The most difficult path is invariably the right one.
What is Move Toward Your Opposite?
For example, if you are too dependent, try being more independent.
What is Expect Growth To Feel Uncomfortable?
If it feels awkward or difficult, you're doing it right.
What is when in Doubt, don't?
If you suspect danger, stay away.
What is Notice What you Can control?
List the aspects of your life you do control.
What are the Stages of Healing?
Safety, Mourning, Reconnection

Coping Skills

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