Organizations Organizations Organizations Juvenile Justice Organizations
What are structure, purpose and activity?
These are the three primary things an organization is concerned with
What is a leader?
A person in this role questions existing processes
Who is Lipsky?
This person argued that the conflicting goals of human service organizations are the result of unresolved disagreements in society at large
That all people are rational and can choose to commit crime
This is the basic assumption in choice theory
What is 'hierarchical'?
In which organizational structure is responsibility largely individually based?
What is/are 'results[-oriented]'?
The primary focus of organizations that are organic in structure is considered to be ______________
What is tribal?
According to Dupree, leadership is ____________________ in nature
What is the public sector?
This is the context within which criminal justice administrators function
What is the underclass?
This is the term used to refer to individuals who are stratified below the conventional 'lower class' level and have little to no hope of moving upward
What are organic[ally structured organizations]?
This type of organizational structure functions best in less stable or predictable environments
What are motivating employees, developing organizational culture, and changing the organization
These are the three foci of leaders
Who are managers?
Persons in this role of organizations are concerned with things being done 'right'
What is unionization?
This has dramatically changed the role of management and has influenced everything from job and shift assignments to occupational safety
What are atavis[ms] / atavistic m[e]n?
This term refers to 'evolutionary throwbacks' that are believed to not be as socially evolved as the rest of society and thereby commit crime
What are [law enforcement] task forces or specialized units?
These are the most likely type of criminal justice organizations to find organic structures
What are size, structure, and purpose?
Criminal justice organizations vary greatly in these dimensions
What is Taylorism?
This is the theory of production management which contends that tasks are broken down into individual elements that can be easily replicated for maximum efficiency
What are a clear mission and goal?
Lack of these two main elements in the Dept of Homeland Security were partly to blame for the chaos which ensued following Hurricane Katrina
What is relative deprivation?
This term refers to when wealthy neighborhoods are situated adjacent to impoverished neighborhoods
What is a high degree of formalization?
Organizations with a __________________________ are noted to have many rules
What is [Carlisle's definition of] management?
This is the process by which the elements of a group are integrated, coordinated, and/or utilized so as to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational objectives
What are the symbols, rituals and culture of an organization?
According to Dupree, these are the foci of leaders
Who are clients [served by the organization]?
These persons are not always capable of offering valid assessment of organizational performance
What are abstainers?
These are social introverts who have few friends and thereby don't commit crime as a result
What is 'span of control'?
This is the term that refers to the number of subordinates that report to a supervisor and fall under his/her command

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