Burn baby, buuurrrn Ache-y, Brake-y Heart Urine Good Hands I put the T in Traumatic (Trauma) Head-aches
What is at the center of the injury with regions of tissue viability toward the periphery
In burns, where does tissue necrosis occur?
What is the SA node. Fires at about 60-100 impulses/min
What is the primary pacemaker of the heart?
Umbrella term that describes kidney damage or a decrease in the GFR lasting for 3 or more months
Define CKD
1. Education
2. Legislation
3. Automatic Protection
What are the three components of injury prevention?
Include contusions, and several types of hematomas
What type of injuries are defined as focal injuries
What is the zone of coagulation
*Due to the characteristic coagulation necrosis of cells that occurs
What is the central zone of the wound called
What is automaticity, excitability, conductivity, and contractility
Cardiac tissue possesses 4 properties, name them
What is ESKD (final stage of CKD)
Untreated CKD can result in
1. Blunt
2. Penetrating
3. Thermal
4. Blast
What are the four categories of trauma?
Frontal Lobe
The patient was involved in a MVC where they sustained a head injury. The patient presents to the ED with bizarre irrational behavior; where in the brain might the patient have sustained the head injury to cause these symptoms?
What is the zone of coagulation, zone of stasis, zone of hyperemia
Name the three zones of a burn
What is a T wave
Repolarization of the ventricles will cause a
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HTN, obesity; glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis; polycystic, hereditary, or congenital disorders; and renal cancers
What are some risk factors for ESKD
Resuscitation = continuous
Emergent= Q15 min
Urgent= Q30 min
Less Urgent= Q1hr
Nonurgent= Q120min
During each level of triage, how often/long must surveillance be provided?
Decrease in LOC
Worsening Headache
Abnormal pupil response
Slurred Speech
Numbness or weakness in arms or legs
When a patient has sustained a head injury, what S&S are we looking for that could mean a worsening condition and need for intervention?
What is Local mediators, changes in blood flow, tissue edema, and infection
What can cause the progression in severity of the burn injury?
What is early ventricular repolarization
The ST segment represents
What is 125
What is the normal GFR
If there is uncontrolled external hemorrhaging, it must be controlled FIRST. If not, then ABC's
A patient arrives to the ED with profuse uncontrolled external hemorrhaging, what is the first step in care?
Loss of Consciousness associated with stupor and confusion
How are contusions charaterized (S&S)
What is 20%
It is important to recognize injuries that affect more than ___ TBSA as severe injuries, as they produce local and systemic effects
Count the number of QRS complexes that occur within 6 seconds and multiply this number by 10.
How do you calculate the rate on a 6 second ECG strip?
Stage 1: GFR>90 Kidney damage with norm or increased GFR
Stage 2: Mild decrease in GFR (60-90)
Stage 3: Moderate decrease in GFR (30-59)
Stage 4: Severe decrease in GFR (15-29)
Stage 5: ESKD (GFR<15)
Define the GFR for each stage of CKD
A= Airway/Alertness with SIMULTANEOUS Cspine prec. Establish a patent airway
B=Breathing/Ventilation; Are there breath sounds? Are they equal? Increased WOB? Tracheal deviation? Intubation req?
C= Circulation/Control of Hemorrhage; check color, temp, moisture of skin. Evaluation CO, place 2 patent large gauge IV lines. Assess for shock, control blood loss, fluid replacement
D= Disability; assess GCS
E= Exposure/Environment control; Undress pt, keep them warm
F= Full set of VS/Family Presence; Obtain all VS, family bedside if allowed
G= Get resus adjuncts; labs, NGtube, O2, assess pain
Define the ABCD's of care briefly (name, what should be done in this stage)
Effects of injury, especially hemorrhage and edema, peak after about 18 to 36 hours. These effects can in turn result in increased ICP and possible herniation syndromes
When should the nurse expect the effects of a contusion to occur in the patient?

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