Mood theme Cause and effect Inferences Grab Bag
What is
b. suspenseful
In "The Shot Heard Around the World," what is the overall mood of the story
a. joyful
b. suspenseful
c. sad
d. calm
What is
b. Although war may be necessary to gain the freedoms we desire, it is not glorious.
The overall theme of the story is
a. War is a glorious sacrifice we must make for the freedoms that we want.
b. Although war may be necessary to gain the freedoms that we desire, it is not glorious
c. War is hard
d. War brings families together.
What is
d. William wants to fight in the war.
William is disappointed when his dad says his job is drummer boy because
a. William hates being a drummer boy.
b. William wants to play the flute.
c. William believes that war is wrong.
d. William wants to fight in the war.
What is
b. wants his son to stay safe by being a drummer boy.
You can infer that William's father
a. wants his son to fight in the war
b. wants his son to stay safe by being a drummer boy
c. Show the militia how talented his son is at drumming
What is
c. third person limited
The story is written from which point of view?
a. first person
b. second person
c. third person limited
d. third person omniscient
What is d. the insistent voice, fighting for freedom, feel his heart pounding
These words help establish the mood of the story.
a. growing drowsy, dreams of glory, he hoped one day
c. join the retreat, mixture of terror and confusion, frozen in place
d. the insistent voice, fighting for freedom, feel his heart pounding
What is
c. war is complicated
We can infer that William learned the lesson that
a. war is glorious
b. War is murder
c. War is complicated
d. War is fun
What is
b. They knew the British would not be there for a while.
The men went to have hot cider because
a. they were thirsty
b. They knew the British would not be there for a while.
c. They wanted to celebrate their victory.
What is
d. William was almost knocked over as several militia mean ran back.
Which statement does not infer that William wants to fight in the war?
a. William tried not to show the dissapointment on his face
b. As William felt his face going red, a voice called out.
c. But where was the glory in that?
d. William was almost knocke
What is
b. glory
In the beginning of the story William sees war as a symbol for
a. hatred
b. glory
c. hope
d. fighting
What is
b. Fifteen tense minutes went by. William could feel his heart pounding inside of his chest.
Which sensory word creates suspense in the readers mind?
a. Just as William began to turn to join the retreat, he saw Jonas Parker
b. Fifteen tense minutes went by. William could feel his heart pounding inside of his chest.
c. A British officer on hors
What is
a. wisdom comes with age and experience
Another theme that can be infered from this story is that
a. wisdom comes with age and experience
b. the passion of youth is rewarding
c. If you fight in a war, you may die
d. War is fun and exciting for young people.
What is
a. no one did anything
William knew that no one knew what to do when the British appeared because
a. No one did anything
b. Everyone was fighting
c. The British soldiers began shooting immediately
What is
b. was caught up in the glory of war.
In paragraph 26, you can infer that William
a. hated the British
b. was caught up in the glory of war
c. was fashionable
What is
c. illusions of the glory of war
THe death of Jonas symbolizes the death of William's
a. chance to fight in the war
b. chance to be a drummer boy
c. illusions of the glory of war
d. illusions of the horror of war
What is
c. joy
Which of these moods was not created in this story.
a. suspense
b. anger
c. joy
d. disappointment
What is
a. teacher readers a lesson about the complexities of war.
The author's purpose for writing this story is to
a. teach readers a lesson about the complexities of war
b. entertain the reader with an exciting story about the glory of war
c. explain the Revolutionary war
What is
b. The British outnumbered them.
The militia had to fall back because
a. they were winning
b. The British outnumbered them
c. William shouted for everyone to fall back.
What is
d. His friend died
Why did William say "This was a nightmare" in paragraph 36
a. He was afraid he was going to die.
b. He realized that war was far more glorious than he first believed.
c. The British were retreating
d. His friend died.
What is
c. William is more anxious to fight than his father is
What is the main contrast between William and his father?
a. WIlliam isn't friendly with Jonas Parker
b. William isn't as good a shot as his father is.
C. William is more anxious to fight than his father is.
d. William admires the British, but his father
What is
b. disillusionment
The mood of paragraph 36 is
a. suspenseful- he doesn't know if his friend is dead
b. disillusionment- he thought war was full of glory and know he knows it's full of death
c. shame- he is sad that he killed his friend
d. fear- he is afraid his friend migh
What is
a. He does not have any illusions about the glory of war
How do William's father's feelings reflect the theme of the story?
a. He does not any have any illusions about the glory of war.
b. He does not believe that they are fighting for a good cause.
c. He does not believe that people should fight each other for
What is
a. He watched his friend die.
William's dreams of glory died because
a. He watched his friend die
b. The British outnumbered them
c. His father refused to let him fight.
What is
d. to show how confident Jonas feels at the beginning of the story.
In paragraph 8 of the passage, why does the author have Jonas use words like "Scrap", "picking off", and "ol' King George's" ?
a. to show Jonas Parker is a more experienced soldier
b. to show that Jonas Parker is mean and uneducated
c. to show that Jonas
What is
a. feel excited at the prospect of fighting in the war.
William and Jonas are similar in that they both
a. feel excited at the prospect of fighting in the war
b. want to be drummer boys
c. are very prepared for the war
d. are mad at Williams father

Cycle 3 assessment

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