Space Living Earth Human Body Weather
What is January
In what month is Earth the closest to the Sun
What is 15 MPH
How fast can a honeybee fly? – 5, 15, 25, 60 MPH
What is 10 Pints
The average human body contains how many pints of blood? – 5, 10, 25, 50
What is an Earthquake
What natural phenomena are measured by the Richter scale? – Hurricanes, Earthquake, Tornado, Northern Lights
What is Meteroite
What is a meteor called when it reaches Earth's surface? – Space Ball, Meteor, Meteorite, Crater
What is a Seal
Polar Bears mainly feed on what animals? – Penguins, Seals, Orkas, Small Fish
What are Ears & Nose
What body part continues to grow larger throughout your life, other than nails & hair – Toes, Ears, Nose, Fingers
What is Oklahoma City
Which US city has been hit by the most tornadoes? – Paris Texas, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Kansas City
What is 6
How many planets in our solar system have moons? – 4, 6, 7, 12
What is Hummingbird
What is the only bird that can fly backwards? – Bumble Bee, Hummingbird, Pterodactyl, Peacock
What is a Brain
What organ uses over quarter of all blood in your body? – Heart, Brain, Lungs, Stomach
What is Arlene
Hurricanes are named when sustained wind speeds of 74 miles per hour are achieved. Severe storms have their names retired. Which one of these frequently used names for hurricanes has NOT been retired?- Katrina, Andrew, Sandy, Arlene
What is 15M F
What temperature can the sun reach? – 1000F, 150K F, 15M F, 5B F
What is a Smack
What is a group of jelly fish called? – Jellies, Smack, Danger Group, Jellious
What is AB -ive
Which is the rarest blood type in humans? – O+, B -, AB -, A+ (1% of population)
What is Moon’s Gravity
Ocean Tides are created by what – Earth’s rotation, Wind, Sun & Moon’s gravity, Zeusus
What is 300,000 times
How many times is sun larger than earth? – 100, 4000, 300000, 2000000 times
What is 4.1B years
Life of Earth originated 100M, 1B, 4B, 12B years ago
What is Hiatosis
What is the medical term for bad breath? – Halitosis, Dad Syndrome, Mouth Amnesia, Crylosis
What is a Bishop’s Ring
After a volcanic eruption a colored ring of dust particles can sometimes be seen around the sun. This ring is named for - Knight, Pawn, Queen, Bishop

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