Values Miscellaneous Holidays
Peace, Hello, Goodbye
What is the meaning of Shalom
True! We have blessing showing gratitude for all kinds of things. This blessing is called "Asher Yatzar"
True or False. In Judaism we have a blessing for going to the bathroom - for bodily functions.
8 nights
For how many night do we celebrate Hanukkah?
Created in the image of G-d
What is the meaning of B'tzelem Elohim (hint: the song "when I reach out to you and you to me!")
We usually think of tzedakah as charity, but it actually means the obligation or the responsibility to give. The root of the word tzedakah is tzedek which means justice. This is different from charity which is voluntary. But tzedakah is a commandment and a mitzvah in Judaism.
What is the meaning of tzedakah?
Haman, Esther, Ahashverosh, Mordecai
Name two characters in the Purim story
What is the meaning of Achrayut (hint: ___ to ourselves, to the community, to the world)
Helping a person with your time is the greatest way of giving, more than money or material objects
What is the meaning of "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a night. Give him a fishing pole and teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime."
It is a Jewish holiday that celebrates trees, nature, and the environment. The birthday of the trees! It brings us back to our roots, literally! In Israel most people celebrate by planting trees around the country. It is also traditional for people to have a T.B. seder where you eat dried fruits, nuts, and other things
What is Tu Bishvat?
Inner strength, persistence, resilience, patience, selflessness, and confidence
What is the meaning of Gevurah (hint: muscles)
When something is produced fair trade, it means that all the people involved in producing the item (at every level of the chain) are treated fairly. Lets show them gratitude!
What is the meaning of something being fair trade? (Hint: the conversation about chocolate!!)
Learning from our mistakes and apologizing for what we have done wrong. When we miss the mark or go off path, we must return/recalculate.
What does it mean to "repent" on Yom Kippur?
What is the meaning of Hakarat HaTov
Shalom also means "wholeness". When someone is sick, we can help them become more “whole” by visiting them, caring for them, and praying for them.
What does the blessing "Mi Shebeirach" (the prayer for healing) have to do with Shalom?
Yom Hashoah is Holocaust Remembrance Day. We honor it to remember the tragedy that happened to make sure that it does not happen again, and to keep the memories and stories alive of those we lost.
What is Yom Hashoah and why do we honor it?

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