Place Value
What is 1/10 of
In the number 18,876. The relationship between the 8 in the hundreds place and the 8 in the thousands place
What is 1/100 of
In the number 43.03. The relationship between the 3 in the hundredths place and the 3 in the ones place
What is 10,000 times as much
In the number 2,234,234. The relationship between the 2 in the millions place and the 2 in the hundreds place
What is two hundred million eight hundred sixty thousand four hundred one and ninety one thousandths
200,860,401.091 in word form
What is 2 * 100,000,000 + 2 * 10,000,000 + 4 * 1,000,000 + 9 * 100,000 + 8 * 10,000 + 2 * 10 + 7 * 1/10 + 3 * 3/100
234,980,020.703 in expanded form

Decimal Place Value and Operations

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