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What is ‘Saw’?
In this successful movie franchise, the characters are forced to undergo torture and often cut off a body part in order to escape their predicament
What is Trick-or-Treating?
The ‘All Souls Day ‘tradition of handing out ‘Soul Cakes” in Europe during the Middle Ages is thought to be the origin of this modern day Halloween practice
What is CS&C?
[Soon to be NCCIC]
This DHS agency has the lead for securing cyberspace and the Nation’s cyber infrastructure
What is the National Cyber Incident Response Plan?
The acronym for this title is NCIRP
What is All Hallows Eve?
Americans are expected to spend nearly $7 billion dollars on an annual fall celebration that is thought to originate, at least in part, from this Scottish celebration
What are dead people?
In Sixth Sense, a popular 1999 thriller, the character Cole Sear (played by Haley Joel Osment) sees something unnerving to a young boy
Who is Craig Wilson?
This popular Project Manager sponsors frequent events at which team members can partake of treats
What is lack of basic cyber security measures?
Historically, this security lapse has been the single largest technical cause of cyber security breaches
Who is TSA?
In April 2015 hidden cameras filmed employees of this DHS Agency engaged in the theft of private property
What is a pet costume?
This year 22 million Americans expect to spend $330 million dollars on this particular Halloween item
Who is Ichabod Crane?
This character goes missing in a famous story by Washington Irving set in 1790 Tarry Town, New York
What is bobbing for apples?
This game involving dangling fruit on a string or floating it in water was historically unrelated to Halloween; but was used in ancient times to determine who was next to marry
What is OPM?
The U.S. government is ready to spend $330 million to plug holes in cyber security defenses to repair data breach damage to this agency from a computer hack in July
What is the NCCIC (National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center)?
This name currently represents an operational entity, and will become the new name for the current DHS Office of Cybersecurity & Communications (CS&C)
What is a carved Jack-O-Lantern?
This fierce Halloween charm (often containing live fire) is meant to ward off evil spirits and protect travelers and the household from harm
What is ‘Insidious’?
This more recent horror movie series features parapsychologists, ghost hunters and a spiritual world known as the ‘Further’
What are razor blades?
These thin, sharp metal objects were sometimes found in Halloween Treats of the past
What are cyberterrorist/ hacktivist/ hacker groups/ organizations?
These groups: Lizard Squad, Honker Union, Cult of the Dead Cow, and Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) represent entities that are responsible for worldwide business disruption and monetary damage
Who is SRA/CSgov?
After merger, this company is expected to be the largest pure-play IT services provider serving the U.S. government sector
What is a turnip?
Prior to carved pumpkins, this common root vegetable was often carved as a Jack-O-Lantern in Europe
Who is Gozier?
The fictional ‘Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’ represented this demonic character in the popular 1984 comedy ‘Ghostbusters’
What is a popcorn ball?
This hand formed food item made from popped grain was a common Halloween Treat during the 1950’s to 1960’s
What is Pakistan?
This nuclear-powered Muslim country bordering China invented one of the first computer viruses (Brain) in early 1986
Who is SRA Int’l, Inc.?
A major IT technology innovator has this as their corporate Mission Statement: “Enable our federal customers to respond to their toughest mission and operational challenges” technology innovator
What is Confundo? Or what is the Confundus Charm?
This spell causing victims to become confused and befuddled was used often in Harry Potter books from 1994 to 1998
Who is Duke Ihenacho
This former Bronco on the Redskins has had serious injuries that put him on the injured reserve list for two years in a row.

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