Misc. Digestive Misc. Digestive Misc. Digestive Diseases of the mouth and teeth Disorders of the Stomach and Esophagus
What is The Digestive Tract (GI tract)
A muscular tube extending through the body. Begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
Food taken in by mouth and expelled by the anus
What is The Mesentery
A double layered portion of the peritoneum shaped somewhat like a fan
What is The Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
The correct order of the small intestine
What is peritonitis
Inflammation of the Peritoneum. A serious complication that may follow infection of an organ covered by the peritoneum, often the appendix.
What is Heartburn
Weakness in the lower esophageal sphincter may allow the acidic stomach contents to flow back into the distal esophagus resulting in a burning sensation below or behind the sternum
What is The Peritoneum
Thin shiny, serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity.
Folds back to cover most organs contained in the cavity.
What is The Lesser Omentum
Peritoneal fold that extends from the stomach to the liver
What is The Duodenum
The first 25 cm of the small intestine
Named for the Latin word for "twelve" based on its length of 12 finger widths.
What is Gingivitis
An infection of the gums
What is GERD
Chronic reflux
What is The Visceral Peritoneum
The layer of peritoneum that covers organs in abdominopelvic cavity
What is The Common Bile Duct
The cystic duct and the common hepatic duct merge and form
What is The Jejunum
The next two-fifths of the small intestine
What is Periodontitis
Infection of the gum tissue AND the teeth's supporting bone
What is Gastritis
Inflammation of the stomach lining
What is parietal Peritoneum
Outer portion of peritoneum
In contact with body wall
What is The Liver
The hepatic portal system carries blood from the digestive tract to the
What is The Ileum
The last remaining portion of the small intestine
What is Vincent Disease
A kind of gingivitis caused by a spirochete or a bacillus, is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults
What is Celiac Disease
A digestive disease caused by an inability to tolerate gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.
What is Greater Omentum
A large double layer of peritoneum containing much fat hangs over the front of the large intestine like an apron
What is Duodenum
The pyloric sphincter regulates the flow of food into the
What is The small intestine
After death when relaxed and to its full length this digestive organ is approximately 20 FT long
What is Parotitis
Inflammation of the parotid glands. The contagious kind of this disease, commonly called the mumps, is caused by a viral infection.
What is Gastroenteritis
An intentional inflammation that involves the stomach and the small intestine

Digestive System

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