Types of Car Insurance Terms Scenarios
What is liability insurance
Insurance that covers damages that were your fault.
What is a premium
The lower this is, the less money you have to pay every month.
What is comprehensive insurance.
Hubert lives in a area that is known for frequent hurricanes and flooding Hubert should get _____
What is collision insurance.
Insurance that will pay for repairs if repair costs are greater than the value of the car.
What is a deductible.
The amount of money you have to pay towards damages before your insurance company will cover the rest.
What is collision insurance.
Phillip is only concerned with damage done to his car and trusts his own driving ability, he should get ____
What is comprehensive insurance
Will pay for damages caused by something other than a car accident (weather damage, fallen tree branch, etc)
What is a claim.
A request you make to your insurance company so that they can pay for damages to your car.
What is liability insurance.
Hermes hits a parked car on the way out of his driveway, ____ insurance would help Hermes the most.
What is personal injury protection.
Insurance that will pay for you and other passengers hospital bills if injured in a car accident.
What is a deductible.
The higher this is, the more money you have to pay when you get in a car accident.
What is $500.
Flexo gets into a car accident that is his fault, he has liability insurance but his premium is $300 and his deductible is $500. How much does Flexo have to pay for damages?
What is underinsured motorist protection.
Covers damages to your car if the driver at fault doesn't have enough coverage to pay for your car.
What is a premium.
This is determined by a number of factors, including your age, where you live, and the type of car you drive.


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