Trackers Patient Management Assessments POM RXM
Public trackers do not time out.
How often do Public Trackers time out?
How many buttons can each user have on their Integrated Desktop?
Users have the ability to enter any number up to 99, but only 4 columns will appear.
What is the maximum amount of columns allowed for a Group Response on a Nursing Assessment in EDM?
Provider Order Management
What does POM stand for?
No, RXM and EDM are different modules, with different Canned Text Dictionaries.
Can EDM Canned Text be utilized in RXM?
One color scheme can be attached to a tracker.
How many color schemes can be attached to a tracker?
EDM Customer Defined Parameters --> Desktop --> "Default Tracker"
How do you set a user's default tracker?
Result Type Query
What type of MIS Query would be used for calculations? i.e. Glasgow coma scale
Yes, in the OE Procedure Dictionary (under the Location tab) procedures can have different priorities based on MIS Location.
Can different priorities be assigned to OE Procedures based on locations within the hospital?
RXM --> Dictionaries --> User Defaults -> Copy User Defaults
How are one user's "Favorites" in RXM copied to another user?
What is the cumulative amount of "Width" allotted for each tracker?
No, the call management routine is used only for incoming calls.
Can we use the Call Management routine for outgoing calls?
Demo Recall: Follows patients from visit to visit at the facility.
Save Query History: Recalls on the patient anytime the query surfaces during the current visit. i.e. Temperature Source
What is the difference between "Demo Recall" and "Save Query History" on an MIS Query?
What is the only hard coded POM Header?
No, Meditech has standard hard coded values for these particular scenarios.
If Days, Quantity, and Refills are left blank in the RXM Customer Defined Parameters (under the lookups tab) do these fields appear without choices on the front end?
Room, Patient, My List, Report, Incoming
What are the 5 types of trackers?
Single: Response to that particular query will display on the tracker.
Multiple: Opens up the "text" box below where a particular message can be portrayed as multiple queries are involved in triggering the indicator.
In the Query Response Dictionary, what is the difference between "single" and "multiple" types?
This indicator is user specific. Once a particular user views the indicator, the color will change on their tracker only.
If a New Result Indicator is clicked on from the tracker, will it show as "viewed" on all user's trackers or just the particular user who reviewed the results?
The drug appears in the favorites, but not the strings associated with it.
When using auto add to favorites functionality in RXM, does it add based on string information or the drug by itself?
Users must manually remove the patients from the "My List" tracker, or a prompt can be set in the EDM toolbox to automatically have patients removed after X amount of days.
How are patients removed from a My List style tracker?
The "Final Status Event" prompt must be set to "Yes" in order to have a patient removed from a tracker when the patient is assigned that event.
What does a Status Event need to be set as to remove someone from a tracker?
Acuity based charges will flow to BAR on the second midnight run. Any flat rate charges will drop at the first midnight run.
When billing through nursing assessments, when do the charges drop for the patient?
Yes, in the OE Update Order/Forms routine.
Is it possible to mass update all procedures for a particular category to "Stat" for the ER location?
Yes, "sample" is a hard coded option and cannot be removed.
On the front end in RXM, is "sample" a hard coded script/presentation that cannot be removed?

EDM Phase 1

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