Introduction to Ethical Codes The Law Priv-icy Legal-Ethical Concerns NASP Principles
A system of principles of conduct that guide the behavior of an individual
What does the term ethics mean?
The U.S. Constitution, statutes and regulations and case law
What are the three sources of public school law in the U.S. legal system?
SPs can only share information learned with third parties on a need-to-know basis. Only information "essential to the understanding and resloution" of a student's difficulties.
What is the need-to-know principle?
A test is tool that may be used to gather information as part of the assessment process. Assessment is a broader term used to gather a variety of different types of information about the student.
What is the difference between testing and assessment?
Autonomy and Self-Determination (Consent and Assent) SP seeks student's assent to services but may by-pass student assent if service is considered to be of direct benefit to the student and/or required by law
Name 1 principle under "Respecting the Dignity and Rights of All Persons" Principle?
In order to protect the public by sensitizing professionals to the ethical aspects of service delivery, educating practitioners about the parameters of appropriate conduct and helping professionals monitor their own behavior
Why do professional groups such as school psychologists develop a code of ethics?
State governments have assumed the duty to educate, the power to tax citizens of the state to finance education and the power to compel school attendance
What is the significance of the 10th Amendment with regard to public education?
If the service is considered to be of direct benefit to the child.
Under what circumstances is it ethically permissable to provide psychological services to a child without his or her own explicit assent?
Consistent with NASP principle I, SPs must seek informed consent in order to conduct a psychological evaluation of a student. Under IDEA written consent is required for an intial evaluation.
What are the legal-ethical obligations to the parent prior to beginning an assessment and during interpretation of findings?
"respect the right of persons to choose for themselves whether to disclose their private thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
What must SPs respect under the "Privacy and Confidentiality" Principle? What must they promote?
Respecting the Dignity of All Persons, Professional Competence and Responsibility, Honesty and Integrity in Professional Relationships and Responsibility to Schools, Families, Communities, the Profession and Society
What are the four broad ethical principles?
A law that emerges from court decisions. A discovered law rather than an enacted law. Supreme Court may review cases from a state court if a question of federal law is involved. e.g. Brown vs. Board of Education
What is case law and why is it important?
"An explicit promise or contract to reveal nothing about an individual except under conditions agreed to by the source or subject." When the student requests it, situation involving danger to the student or others and when there is a legal obligation to t
What does confidentiality mean? Identify 3 situations in which the SP is obligated to share student disclosures with others?
Parents must be notified if student poses harm to another person. School needs to develop written procedures regarding violence. When suicide is suspected, SP must notify the parents in all cases.
What are the legal-ethical obligations or actions of an SP regarding a potentially assualtive student? a suicidal student?
Beneficence means responsible caring, SP acts to benefit others. It relates to Principle II: Professional Competence and Responsibility
What does beneficence mean? Which NASP principle does it relate to?
To report and attempt to resolve unethical conduct of their professional colleagues (included in APA ethics too).
What are a School Psychologist's responsibilities regarding peer monitoring?
the equal protection clause (no state shall deny any person the equal protection of the laws) and the requirement for procedural due process (no state shall deprove any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law)
What are two aspects of the 14th Amendment that have been extremely important in court decisions regarding public schools?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 address the privacy of student records and access to student records. To ensure appropriate access to school and education records by parents or eligible students.
What is the significance of FERPA regarding confidentiality?
To protect humans from potential harm or risk, must respect the welfare of the participant and inform them of potential risks/harm.
What is the single most important ethical consideration in conducting research?
SPs engage only in practices for which they are qualified as competent, they must practice within their own boundaries, knowledge and education. Accepting Responsibility for Actions and Responsible Assessment and Intervention Practices
What is "competence" as defined by NASP Principle II? Name 2 areas of competency and responsibility.
Koocher and Keith-Speiegel Eight-step Problem Solving Model see p. 20-21
What problem solving model do we use to evaluate whether a course of action is ethical or unethical?
the school's policy of banning armbands interfered with or disrupted the functioning of the school (it was the student's rights to free speech and assembly that was violated (Bill of Rights)
What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision in the Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)?
The legal right of the client to prevent disclosure to other parties of information revealed in an established psychologist-client relationship. The client may voluntary waive privelege (give consent to SP to disclose privileged communication) and the SP
What is privileged communication and who has the right to waive privelages in a legal proceeding?
Responible Caring and Integrity in Supervisor-Supervisee Professional Relationships
What are two ethical-legal issues SPs should be concerned with during supervision?
SPs promote healthy school, family and community environments. They assume a proactive role to identify social injustices and reform systems-level patterns of injustice. Maintain public trust by self-monitoring and perr-monitoring. Respect for Law and Rel
What is an SPs role in "Responsibility to Schools, Families, Communities, the Profession and Society?" Name 2 ways they are uphold their responsibility.

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