Natural Selection The Basic Steps of Natural Selection The Sources of Variation The Results of Genetic Variation Resistance
Favorable adaptive traits
What leads to the increase of species survival?
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What contributes to evolutionary change in animals by increasing competition between members of the species?
an egg or sperm cell (sex cells, gametes).
Evolution of a species could occur as a result of changes in the genes in
differences in the bone arrangements support the hypothesis that these organisms
Differences in the bone arrangements support the hypothesis that these organisms have
short reproductive cycles
Natural selection produces changes most quickly in species with
reproductive advantage
A trait may increase over time if it provides a...
because they are adapted to the specific environment in which they now live
One possible reason why polar bears might not be able to survive if the environment they live in changes is because ...
The mutation isn't in sperm or egg cells.
A mutation that occurs in a body cell will not contribute to the evolution of a species because
One type of molecular evidence that could be used to determine evolutionary relationships and common ancestors are:
Patients should use the antibiotic for the prescribed number of days, and not stop taking it when they feel better.
Suggest one way that doctors or patients can help to reduce the chances of bacteria becoming resistant to an antibiotic
favorable adaptations
Characteristics of a species that allows its members to better survive and reproduce in their environment is known as
variations in many different traits in many individuals in the population
Survival of at least a few members of a population after a major environmental change is most dependent on...
More variation increases the chances that some members of the population will survive in a changing environment.
Explain the importance of the presence of variations within a population.
common ancestor.
The embryos of fish, chickens, and pigs have gill slits and a tail. The presences of these features suggest that these animals may have had a
select for resistant organisms
Overuse of these antibiotics can
different inherited characteristics.
Natural selection is best described as differences in survival rates as a result of
A population with the greatest chance of survival in a changing environment is one with the most ...
What is the process of creating sex cells?
behavioral adaptation
Mother rattlesnakes care for and protect their young. Baby rattlesnakes find safety in the coils of their mothers. Female snakes stay together for the first few weeks after giving birth. This gathering of female rattlesnakes provides a safe environment for newborn rattlers. This is an example of a
the bacteria have a mutation for resistance
One likely reason for the decreased effectiveness of hand sanitizers is
courtship behaviors
Males will often dance, swim, or sing in a particular way to attract a female. This behavior is a result of natural selection and is known as...
As a result of natural selection, the number of individuals with favorable traits increases.
How does the process of natural selection result in an increase in frequencies of certain traits found in a population?
The population may not survive in a changing environment
What would happen to a population without variations?
this behavior increases their chance of survival.
Two fish display a behavior commonly observed among pairs of rabbitfish. While one has its head down feeding on coral, the other remains upright, alert for predators. This behavior continues to be present in the rabbitfish population because
more pathogens may be resistant to the soap
Certain antibacterial soaps kill 99% of the bacteria present on hands. Constant use of these soaps could be harmful over time because

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