Birthdays around the world The Latest Celebrity Buzz Crime News and Important Dates Whichever team answers the question correctly, gets to go first
What is a 'sweet sixteen'
In Canada and the United States, a girl's 16th birthday is known as her...
Jennifer: Justin (the man she planned to marry) said he had no interest in marrying her.
Katy: John Mayer (the man she was supposed to marry) was caught cheating with a fitness instructor.

Bonus: She kissed Miley Cyrus.
Both Jennifer Aniston and Katy Perry had to have their marriages cancelled. Why?

Bonus: Katy Perry kissed a celebrity girl on the lips. Who was it?
What is the age of 19
A Torontonian man was arrested for murder. How old is he?
How many extreme cold weather alerts did Toronto issue?

Bonus: For how long did this house stay without power? Did the fish survive it?
What is your 100th birthday
In the United Kingdom, you can receive a card from the Royal family on your _ birthday.
The answer is true.

Bonus: She got a facelift/plastic surgery
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi are having marriage troubles. True or false?

Bonus worth 50 points: Under all the pressure, what did Portia do?
What is no - they are not going to hear her appeal.
A woman is serving her life in jail for the axe murder of her long-time boyfriend. Will the court hear her appeal?
What is because it will clean the child of any evil in past lives.
In India, on your first birthday, your head is shaved while being held by a special fire. Why?
What is true - she bought his house.

Bonus Question worth 78 points: If she bought it, how much did she buy it for? (Hint: Over 5 million, but under 8 million.)
Khloe Kardashian bought Justin Bieber's house in L.A. True or false?

What is true.
Today is not International Women's Day. True or false?
What is true.
If someone's birthday is unknown, their birthday is considered to be January 1st. True or false?
What is twins - Kate is having twins.

Bonus: William wants both of them to be girls.

Bonus Question also worth 100 points: Why do you think Kate is happy with the number of kid(s) in her stomach and the 'mommy weight'?
Kate is pregnant. How many kids are in her stomach?

Bonus Question worth 100 points: What gender does William want it to be?

What is for child porn.

Bonus: Matthew, 31 and Sadia, 28
Matthew Wilson and Sadia Waezzadah were arrested. Why?

Bonus worth 43 points: What are their ages?
What is false
Romanians, Italians and others in Latin America have 'name days' which are not similar in any way to birthdays. True or false?
What is true.
Is George Clooney dating a lawyer? True or false?
Which is on March 29th.
When is Chris Lewis, police officer, retiring?

General Knowledge - bday10-2014

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