H3K4me1/2 are correlated with gene transcription...

Which of the following is in the correct order?

Protein ->Translation -> Transcription -> DNA
Protein -> Transcription -> Translation -> DNA
DNA -> Translation -> Transcription -> Protein
DNA -> Transcription -> Translation -> Protein
DNA -> Transcription -> Translation -> Protein
The study looked at which state of methylation is affected by UV radiation. What is histone methylation and what does it do?
Histone methylation turns the genes in DNA off by causing the gene to tightly coil around the histone.
What is one difference between the results of the experiment in this article and other experiments related to protein biosynthesis?
The results in this article establish that the induction of protein biosynthesis is essential for restoring cellular homeostasis, whereas a different study had lead to a hypothesis that increased protein biosynthesis promotes the aging process.
How is the regulatory role of H3K4me2 triggered by the completion of DNA repair?
Through increasing transcription of RNA processing, ribosomal and protein translation and homeostasis genes, H3K4me2 promotes the recovery of protein biosynthesis and homeostasis, which in turn promotes developmental growth and longevity after UV induced DNA damage
What are gene bodies?
In between the start and stop site is the region that is transcribed into mRNA. This includes parts that will actually be translated into protein (exons) and parts that will be cut out of the mRNA and do not translate into protein (introns).Introns and exons together are called the transcriptional region, or the gene body.
What method was used in analyzing four representative ribosomal genes at 6, 24 and 48 h post-UV treatment?
Real-time qPCR. cDNA was obtained using Superscript III (Thermo Fisher/Invitrogen). For real-time qPCR, SYBR Green I and Platinum Taq polymerase were mixed with cDNA templates and the corresponding primers, and the reactions were run with a real-time PCR machine.
What does the data suggest about spr-5 mutants and H3K4me2?
The defective H3K4me2 demethylation on the ribosomal genes accelerates the transcriptional recovery of ribosomal genes whose elevated transcription might then facilitate the recovery of protein biosynthesis to reinstate homeostasis and thus allows a more substantial resumption of developmental growth and maintenance of longevity.
How could we take steps in understanding the the increased H3K4me deposition in its relation to regulating transcription recovery?
Analyze the H3 distribution patterns on the genes contained in: RNA polymerase, mRNA, spliceosome, protein processing, protein export, etc. Because though the H3 generally peaked around the promoter, the uv induced H3 is elevated on the gene body and beyond the termination site.

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