Types of War Causes of War WWI WWII The Holocaust
What is are Torture, Rape, Genocide, Mutilation, Slavery, Crimes Against Humanity, Prisoners of War and Being Treated Inhumanely
Civilians Being Used As Hostages
Name one thing outlawed in the Geneva Convention.
What is a long term cause?
Events that have been building up over time is this cause of war.
What is Africa?
What continent were the European countries scrambling for and trying to use imperialism?
What is Poland?
This is the country that was invaded and immediately caused World War II.
What are ghettos?
These are enclosed areas where Jews could not leave, the second stage of the Holocaust.
What is a civilian?
This is a person who is not active in the military or a fighting organization.
What is an immediate cause?
9-11 is an example of this kind of cause.
What is a total war?
This is the type of war, World War I is.
What are America, Britain, France and Russia?
Name the countries of the Allied Powers.
What is go on death marks?
These are what the Nazis forced the Jews to do in order to hide the evidence of the concentration camps.
What is guerrilla warfare?
This is the use of ambushes, surprise attacks and the use of militias to win a war.
What is communism in Korea, Vietnam? Oil in the Iran-Iraq, Persian Gulf? Colonialism in Nigeria, Algeria and Rwanda?
Provide a specific economic example of a war.
What are Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary?
Name the countries of the Triple Alliance.
What is the Munich Pact/ Munich Agreement?
This is where Chamberlain and other countries gave into Hitler, giving him the Sudetenland.
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
These are the segregation laws for Jews in schools, jobs, public places and took away their citizenship, the first stage of the Holocaust.
What is the combatants (fighters) use every resource available to destroy the social structure of the enemy?
This is what makes a war a total war.
What is antisemitism?
This is a religious cause of war seen in World War II. It means the hatred of Jews.
What is the Schlieffen Plan?
This is the German war that failed because Germany had to fight a two front war.
What are Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
Name the two cities bombed in Japan to end World War II.
What is Krystallnacht?
This is the Night of Broken Glass which started the violence against the Jews.
What are the Persian Gulf War and Falkland Islands War?
Provide an example of a limited war.
What is a coup d'etat?
This is a political cause. It means the forcible overthrow of a government. This was seen in the Spanish Civil War.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This is the name of the Treaty that ended the war.
What is the miracle at Dunkirk?
Hitler waited to attack during this battle, giving the French and the British a chance to retreat, keeping them from having to surrender.
Who is Herschel Grynszpan?
This is the person who killed a German diplomat that incited the Krystallnacht violence ?

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