Possessives Contractions Colons Comma Usage in Sentences Comma Usage in Quotations
Susie's family went shopping for holiday gifts.
Correct this - Susie's family went shopping for holiday gifts.
Shortening one or two words
What do we use contractions for?
A colon is used after a full sentence or independent clause to introduce something that illustrates, clarifies, or amplifies what was said in the sentence that preceded the colon.
When do you use a colon in your writing?
Mr. Jeff was kind, thoughtful, and intelligent when he helped me with my homework.
Add commas where necessary - Mr. Jeff was kind thoughtful and intelligent when he helped me with my homework.
Mr. DeNicolo said to the class, “your essays will be due next week.”
Add commas and/or quotes where necessary - Mr. DeNicolo said to the class your essays will be due next week.
Mrs. Malino's hair is pretty.
Make this possessive - The hair of Mrs. Malino is pretty.
I can't attend the swim meet anymore.
Make this a contraction - I cannot attend the swim meet anymore.
Remember the old saying: be careful what you wish for.
Fix this - Remember the old saying be careful what you wish for.
My pet parrot enjoys eating food flying around the house and imitating other people.
Add commas where necessary - My pet parrot enjoys eating food flying around the house and imitating other people.
“I was so scared when I was attacked by the alien,” said Teddy, “but luckily, the police arrived just in time.”
Fix this - I was so scared when the alien attacked me said Teddy but luckily the police arrived just in time.
The family's dog has golden fur.
Make this possessive - The dog of the family has golden fur.
You're annoying me to no end.
Make this a contraction - You are annoying me to no end.
If the second sentence explains or expands on the first one.
How can you use a colon to combine two sentences?
“Caillou, I need you to clean the table before dinner.”
Add commas where necessary - “Caillou I need you to clean the table before dinner.”
“I don’t like sand,” said Dequavis.
Fix this - I don’t like sand said Dequavis.
Pinkalicious's show is fun and engaging for little kids.
Pinkalicious' show is fun and engaging for little kids.
Correct this - Pinkalicious show is fun and engaging for little kids.
I don't like your tone and I can't take it anymore, so go over there in the corner!
Make this a contraction and correct it - I do not like your tone and I cannot take it no more, so go over they're in the corner.
Because the text that comes before the colon is not a complete sentence.
Why is the following sentence incorrect? Marshall’s favorite flavors of ice cream are: mint chip, chocolate, and cookie dough.
Mrs. Smith, my next door neighbor, is going to be my fourth grade teacher!
Add commas where necessary - Mrs. Smith my next door neighbor is going to be my fourth grade teacher!
“Nicholas, you need to stop forgetting about doing your project,” said Ms. Cusino.
Fix this - Nicholas you need to stop forgetting about doing your project said Ms. Cusino.
Chris' dog always steals his cat's food.
Chris's dog always steals his cat's food.
Correct this - Chris dog always steals his cats food.
I'm not going to your party because you're a bad friend and I don't like you anymore!
Make this a contraction and correct it - I am not going to your party because your a bad friend and I do not like you no more!
When the quotation is after an independent clause or complete sentence.
When do you use colons to introduce a quotation?
Even with soccer practice, violin lessons, and debate class, Michael still found room to finish his homework.
Add commas where necessary - Even with soccer practice violin lessons and debate class Michael still found room to finish his homework.
Mrs. Shalissa was not happy with her neighbor's (neighbors') new pigs. She said, “they always keep me up at night by snorting so loud.”
Adjust the incorrect comma usage - Mrs. Shalissa was not happy with her neighbors new pigs. She said, they always keep me up at night by snorting so loud.

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