Massage Service Enhancements Waxing
What is a Massage ?
A customized 50 or 80 full body massage that targets your problem areas where stress and tension exist
What is Hot Towel Exfoliation Foot or Hand Treatments
We wrap your feet or hands in hot towels & stretch & compress them by applying a lemongrass/lavendar
What is a Hot Stone Massage ?
Our signature full body massage that uses smooth, heated basalt stones as an extension of their own hands
What is a Himalayan Salt Stone Massage ?
heated stone massage to provide the ultimate in soothing, healing and relaxing massage! it has 84 Essentials mineral and generates negative ions shown to help create a sense of peace and deeper relaxation
What is Hot Towel/ Cold Stone Face Massage ?
a refreshing service that uses hot towels and cold stones to relax and rejuvenate the face muscles while incorporating lavender essential oil. Ideal for headaches, TMJ, sinus problems or just relax

H & S: Chesapeake - Sales Associates

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