Quote This History of Halloween Master of Disguise Dead Man's Party Treehouse of Horror
What is Psycho
"A boy's best friend is his mother."
What is Thriller
"You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run. You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun."
What is The Shining
The family's job at Mr. Burns' country estate goes awry when Homer goes mad
What is Scream
"Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!”
What is Spooky
"Just like a ghost, you been a hauntin' my dreams. And now I know, you're not what you seem."
What is Frankenstein
Mr. Burns uses Homer's brain to create a robot.
What is The Shining
I "corrected" them sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I "corrected" her.
What is Don't Fear the Reaper
Valentine is done. Here, but now they're gone. Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity, Romeo and Juliet"
What is I Know What You Did Last Summer.
The Simpsons attempt to cover up their accidental murder of Ned Flanders
What is Halloween
"Sheriff, Death has come to your little town."
What is Somebody's Watchin' Me
"All I want is to be left alone in my average home
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone"
What is Twilight Zone episode: The Little People
Lisa becomes a God after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project
What is Rosemary's Baby
"I'll bet expectant mothers chew bits of tannis-root when nobody'd even heard of vitamin pills."
What is Werewolves of London
"You hear him howling around your kitchen door
You better not let him in."
What is Sweeny Todd.
omer accidentally falls through a trapdoor in Moe's tavern and impales himself on the pipes of Moe's microbrewery. Moe serves the barflies a glass of delicious beer flavored with Homer's blood and Homer, now half-man, half-brewing apparatus, returns for vengeance.

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