History Nations and Peoples Creation Archaeology
HIS (God's) story
This is a very shortened definition of history.
Who is God?
This is who rules over all nations and peoples
What happened around 6,000 BC?
This is the date of creation.
What is the study of the past by digging artifacts out of the ground?
This is the definition of archaeology.
What is God working all things for His glory.
History is the story of
What is Psalm, 22: 8?
“For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.”
This is a verse from Scripture that tells us who rules over all nations and peoples
What is Genesis 1, 2
This is where you can find the Biblical account of creation.
What is dig artifacts out of the ground and classifies them
This is what an archaeologists do.
What is guarded, purified, and strengthened
History shows how God does this for His undeserving people.
What is create, govern, and judge
This is what God has the authority to do with all people and nations.
What is Day 4?
This is when God created the sun, moon, and stars
What are letters, bones, journals, or monuments
These are three things an archaeologist might dig out of the ground and classify.
What is learn from God’s will and way with His creation, to learn the consequences of ideas, and to be reminded of God’s faithfulness in guarding, purifying, and strengthening us. 
This is why we should learn history
What is the study of what a nation’s ideas look like (architecture, painting, decorations, etc.),
sound like (music),
taste like (food),
and how those ideas were acted out in daily life (government, religion).
This is the definition of culture.
What is God divided the water from the sky.
This is what God did on Day 2 of Creation
What is study artifacts to find out about the past.
This is what historians do.
What is God’s will and way with His creation and 
the consequences of man’s ideas.
The definition of history
What is a nation's paintings, architecture, decorations, music, food, government, and religion
This is how someone can tell what a nation's ideas look like, sound like, tase like, and how that nation's ideas are acted out in daily life.
What is to teach us the importance for us to keep the seventh day holy.
This is why God rested the seventh day.
What is a Biblical worldview.
Besides being well-read, historians must have this to interpret artifacts truthfully.

History Introduction

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