Miscellaneous Satire Symbols Motifs
What is- Huck; Jim
This character changes over time through his interactions with this character.
What is- For example, Huck wants to smoke but the Widow Douglas will not let him. She says it is not clean or morally right. However, she smokes herself (page 2). Answers will vary.
Twain satirizes false ideals and hypocrisy: How does Twain satirize folks who have these flaws?
What is- Tom
Which character in the novel symbolizes romantic thinking?
What is- Answers will vary.
Provide an example from the novel that reflects the motif of society’s racism.
What is- Answers will vary.
List three targets of Twain’s satire in the novel.
What is- Answers will vary.
Twain satirizes ideas about racism and slavery: What is Twain’s portrayal of racism and slavery through Huck’s eyes?
What is- Huck
Which character in the novel symbolizes realist thinking?
What is- Answers will vary.
Provide an example from the novel that reflects the motif of the satire of Romanticism.
What is- Huck is an unreliable narrator due to his age, tendency to tell tall tales (or to lie), and other “bad” behavior.
At times, Huck is an unreliable narrator rather than a reliable narrator. There are at least a few reasons for this. Please explain one of them.
What is- Answers will vary.
Twain satirizes organized religion: How does Twain present, so-called, good and decent religious folks who violate the golden rule?
What is- Answers will vary.
In the novel, how is the river depicted as a symbol of freedom and natural instinct? Please provide an example.
What is- Answers will vary.
Provide an example from the novel that reflects the motif of Jim’s inherent goodness.
What is- Huck’s central conflict revolves around his moral conscience: whether Huck should help free Jim.
What is the central conflict for Huck, our narrator?
What is- Answers will vary.
Twain satirizes ideas about illusion versus reality: In what ways does Twain satirize people and institutions that claim to be one way, but in practice, conduct themselves in another way?
What is- Answers will vary.
In the novel, how is the land depicted as a symbol of the evils of humanity and civilization? Please provide an example.
What is- Answers will vary.
Provide an example from the novel that reflects the motif of Huck’s inherent goodness.
What is- He develops into a more mature, morally sound individual.
Huck’s adventures reflect a coming of age story—how does Huck change?
What is- Answers will vary.
Twain satirizes “civilized” society: How do we see so-called “civilized” folks doing uncivilized things to other people?
What is- a home place, freedom, peace
In the novel, how does the raft operate as a symbol—what might it reasonably represent?
What is- Answers will vary.
Provide an example from the novel that reflects the motif of human cruelty or inhumanity (not racism, though).

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