Basic Terms Population, Migration, and Culture Political and Agricultural Geography Economic and Urban Geography Free For All Vocab
What is stage three?
In the Demographic Transition Model, which stage is the one where birth rates go down due to women's independence?
What is emigration?
Immigration is the migration of people to a place, but what is it called when people move out of a place?
What is imperialism?
What is it called when a country extends its power and influence often--but not always--through the use of military force?
What is stage two?
Which stage of Rostow's model includes preconditions to takeoff?
What is lingua franca?
A language mutually understood and commonly used in trade by people with different native languages is referred to as a...
What is sequent occupance?
What is it called when successful societies leave cultural imprints?
What is a theocracy?
When a state or country is under the control of religious leaders or a "divinely guided" ruler, what is it called?
What is gerrymandering?
What is it called when politicians redistrict territory or manipulate their district's boundaries often for a voting advantage?
What is the informal economy?
What is the sector of an economy called in which taxes are not collected on the profit made due to the illegality of the business?
What are food deserts?
In a developed country, what are areas called where healthy food is difficult to obtain?
What is cultural hearth?
When a culture's traits develop and diffuse from a certain area, what is that area called?
What is physiological population density figure?
Which density figure is calculated by total population relative to arable land?
Who is Immanuel Wallerstein?
Who wrote the theory depicting one global economy with core, periphery, and semi-periphery tiers?
What is the quarternary sector?
Which economic sector is it in which high-level services aim to collect, process, or manipulate information and capital?
What is gentrification?
What is the process called in which urban neighborhoods are converted from predominantly low-income renter-occupied areas to predominantly middle-class owner-occupied areas?
What is cultural landscape?
What vocabulary concept refers to the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape?
Who is Thomas Malthus?
What famous geographer theorized that population would grow exponentially but that food supply would grow arithmetically?
What are crops and grains?
In the Von Thunen Model of Agricultural Land Use, which product ring is found directly inside the ranching and livestock ring?
What is Christaller's Central Place Theory?
Which geographical theory seeks to explain the number, size, and location of human settlements in a residential system?
What is Weber's Least Cost Theory?
In which theory is it stated that weight gaining industries must locate production close to the market and weight losing industries' production must be closer to the supply of raw materials?
What is geocaching?
Using a GPS to go on treasure hunts, most recently popularized by Pokemon Go, is called this.
What is an isogloss?
What is the name of the phenomena where a particular linguistic feature exists within a geographic boundary?
What is vertical integration?
What is the practice called in which a single entity controls the entire process of manufacturing a product, from raw material to distribution?
What is primate?
When the largest city in a country is twice the size of the second largest city and three times the size of the third largest city, it is called this kind of city.
What is the Rimland Theory?
This theory was first created by Nicholas Spykman to counter Mackinder's Heartland theory by stating that the coastal fringes of Eurasia would be the base of world conquest.

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