Point Systems Class Descriptions Horse Show Protocol What am I doing in the Ring? Rider Appearance
4 points
What is the point value of 3rd place?
Riders to be judged at the walk and trot both ways of the ring. Diagonals will count. Tests 1 – 4, 9 may be asked
What is the description for Introductory Equitation classes?
IHSA shows shall be classified as Regular, Regional, Zone or National shows.
What are the 4 classifications of shows IHSA has?
What is the minimum number of jumps required in a course?
Rider should have a workmanlike appearance, seat and hands light and supple, conveying the impression of complete control should any emergency arise.
What is the expected general appearance of a rider?
5 points
What is the point value of 2nd place?
To be judged at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Tests 1-5, 9 may be asked. Leads and diagonals to count.

To be judged at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Tests 1-6, 9 may be asked. Leads and diagonals to count.
What is the description for both Pre-Novice and Novice classes?
Crops, whips, or bats may be carried only when specified by the Show Committee. Crops etc. are not to be used prior to entering the ring. One or two disciplinary applications in the event of disobedience are sufficient. Stewards may rule that a rider be disqualified for improper use of a whip.
What is the rule for crop usage at a show?
What are you allowed to do before approaching your first jump?
To mount, take up the reins in left hand and place hand on withers. Grasp stirrup leather with right hand, insert foot in stirrup and mount. To dismount, rider may either step down or slide down. The size of the rider must be taken into consideration.
What is the expected appearance of a rider mounting and dismounting?
7 points
What is the point value of 1st place?
To be shown over six or more fences at least 2' 3" in height and not to exceed 2' 9” and including at least one change of direction.
What are the course restrictions for Limit over Fences?
In order for a class to count there must be a minimum of 3 riders in the ring.
What is the minimum number of people required in a class?
What number of refusals result in elimination?
Hands should be over and in front of the horse's withers, knuckles 30 degrees inside the vertical, hands slightly apart and making a straight line from the horse's mouth to rider's elbow. Method of holding reins is optional, but all reins must be picked up at the same time.
What is the expected appearance of a riders hands?
18 or more
What is the number of points a person starting in Pre-Novice (2A) must gain to move to Novice (2B)?
To be shown over six or more fences at least 2' 6" in height and not to exceed 3', including at least one change of direction.
What are the course restrictions for Intermediate over Fences?
Small or medium ponies shall not be used in IHSA shows.
What types of horses/ponies are not allowed at IHSA shows?
Although a flying change of lead is preferable, a well-executed simple change must not be penalized.
What is the rule for lead changes?
The eyes should be up and shoulders back. Toes should be at an angle best suited to rider's conformation, ankles flexed, heels down, calf of leg in contact with horse and slightly behind girth. Iron should be on ball of foot.
What is the expected basic position of a rider?
36 points
What is the number of points a person starting in the advanced 2B section of the Novice Hunt Seat Equitation must gain to move on to Limit classes.
To be shown over six or more fences at least 2' 9" in height and not to exceed 3' 3" in height and 3' in width including at least one change of direction.
What are the course restrictions for Open over Fences?
All horses to be used in over fences classes must be schooled over the courses prior to the show. On the day of the show, no rider entered may school a horse to be used in the show prior to that rider having competed in his/her own classes
What is the rule for horses to be used in over fences classes?
1. Ask an appropriate question.
2. Halt.
3. Sitting Trot.
4. Two-point position at the walk and/or trot.
5. Figure eight at trot, demonstrating change of diagonals.
6. Figure eight at canter on correct lead, demonstrating simple change of lead.
7. Ride without stirrups. Riders must be given the option to cross their irons.
8. Change leads down center of ring, demonstrating simple change of lead.
9. Change horses.
10. Canter on the counter lead. No more than eight horses may counter canter at one time.
11. Half-turn on forehand and/or half turn on haunches.
12. Jump a shortened course.
13. Trot a jump not to exceed 2' 6"
What are 3 out of the 13 Hunt Seat Tests they can ask for at a show?
At the walk and slow trot, body should be vertical; posting trot, inclined forward; canter, half-way between the posting trot and the walk; galloping and jumping, same inclination as the posting trot.
What is the expected Position in Motion of a rider?

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