Working Conditions and Women Workers Child Labor and Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor and The Unions Strikes and Strike Breakers Major Strikes
What are sweatshops
Crowded urban factories filled with garment workers.
What is 16 years old
The Oldest age the children were that worked in the industries.
What is AFL
The American Federation of Labor
What are strike breakers
The people that were hired to replace the strikers
Who is Grover Cleveland
The President that sent federal troops to Chicago
What are bigger factories
The out come of mass production
What is 10 hours
The maximum amount of time a child could work a day
Who is Samuel Gompers
The tough, practical minded, president of the Cigar Makers' Union, and the leader of the AFL
What is the Economic Depression
This lead to workers being fired and wages being lowered in 1870's and the 1890's
Who is Eugene V. Debs
The leader of the workers that refused to end the strike
What are Cave-Ins
The main cause of death in coal mines
What are trade unions
Unions that were formed to represent workers in certain crafts or trades such as carpentry
What is collective bargaining
The press for higher wages, shorter working hours, better working conditions, and the right to bargain collectively with employers.
What is the first national labor protect
The result of the day that several railroads announced another round of wage cuts due to the depression.
Who is Richard Olney
The U.S. Attorney General that obtained an injunction to stop the union from "obstructing the railways and holding mails"
What are women workers
These workers got half the pay of the other workers and they usually joined the industrial work force.
Who is Terence V. Powderly
The leader, that under his power the Knights of Labor became a national labor organization.
Who is Mary Harris Jones or Mother Jones
The woman that spend 50 years fighting for women workers' rights
What is the State Militia
They restored order in different places after the strikes
What is Homestead, Pennsylvania
Where in 1892 workers went on strike at Andrew Carnegie's Steel Plant
What is the industrial growth of the 1800s
The growth that Created new jobs and raised the standard of living for many American workers
What is 700,000
The number of how many members were in the Knights of Labor
What is the International Ladies' Garment workers Union
The group that was created due to the disaster that killed over 150 people, also known as the ILGWU
What is July 1877
The day that several railroads announced another round of wage cuts due to the depression
What is the McCorick Harvest Company
The group of striking workers that gathered to protest the killings of four strikers the previous day

Industrial Workers

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