Famous Investors Basic Investments Trading Orders Market History Notable Stocks
Who is Warren Buffett
Known as the Oracle of Omaha, this investor is the largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway.
What are common stocks
A security signifying ownership in a corporation with voting rights in company decisions.
What is Market
Buying or selling at a stock's current price.
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Created by Wall Street Editor Charles Dow, this industrial average was set up in 1896 and is still widely used today.
What is Alphabet Inc.
Also known as Google, this company has the second largest market capital in the world.
Who is George Soros
This investor born in Hungary is known as the man who "broke the bank of England".
What are bonds
A debt investment in which the buyer loans money to an entity for a defined amount of time in return for interest.
What is a Limit
This order allows you to set a price for which you would like to purchase or sell a stock. Used on a buy low sell high basis.
What is NASDAQ
The world first electronic stock market exchange, this stock exchange was founded in 1971 and is only exceeded by the NYSE in size.
What is Apple
With the largest market capital in the world at about 700 billion, this stock has the highest profit margins of almost any competitors in its industry.
Who is Carl Icahn
Known as the "Corporate Raider", this investor is currently serving as Special Advisor to the President on Regulatory Reform.
What are preferred shares
A special kind of stock in which the owners do not usually get voting rights, put receive higher dividends than common stock holders.
What is a Stop
The order allows you to set a buying price above the market price and is also commonly used to limit losses by setting a lower than market selling price.
What is The Great Depression
Known as one of the worst economic crashes in U.S history, this recession caused by wall street lasted 10 years with half of U.S banks going bankrupt.
What is Exxon Mobile
With a market capital of about 350 billion, this company is the largest oil company traded publicly on the stock exchange.
Who is Jordan Belfort
Once founder of the Stratton Oakmont firm, this investor became well known from the movie "Wolf of Wall Street".
What are Mutual Funds
An investment vehicle in which money managers collect pools of money from investors in order to invest and produce capital gains for them in return for a fee.
What is a Contingent Order
Used mainly for option trading, this method executes two orders at the same time.
What is the Dot Com Bubble
With the massive rising of the internet companies, this bubble in the late 1990's shot the Nasdaq above 5,000 points.
What is Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google
These four stocks, also known as FANG, are some of the most popular stocks currently traded on the stock market.
Who is Peter Lynch
Managing the Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990, this investor also wrote the book "One Up On Wall Street".
What are ETF's / Exchange Traded Funds.
Having the fundamentals of a mutual fund, this type of security can be traded directly on a stock exchange.
What is Trailing Stop Order
A special type of stop order, this order allows you to set a percentage or point cushion when you buy or sell a stock.
What is the Buttonwood Agreement
Leading to the founding of the New York Stock Exchange in 1792, this agreement named after a tree started the formal trading of securities.
What is WorldCom
A major driver of the Sarbanes-Oxley act, this telecommunications company wrote off expenses as investments in its financial statements, driving its share price from $60 to $0.20 in 2002.

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