Contributions Distributions Decedent IRA Options Miscellaneous Transfers/Rollovers
What is What is $6000
This is the maximum amount a 37 year old can contribute to their IRA this year?
What is Life Expectancy
This is the number of years an individual is estimated to live based on his/her current age.
What is Decedent Notification Only?
This scenario requires the completion of a Service Request to alert Decedent department the customer is deceased but account not ready to close yet.
What is a Roth IRA or SEP IRA?
This type of IRA Plan allows contributions beyond the age of 70 ½ with earned income.
What is Trustee Transfer of IRA
This is the movement of IRA funds from one bank to another where the customer never has custody of the funds.
What is Earned Income – W-2 Wages?
This is the source of money placed in a Traditional or Roth IRA.
What is Fair Market Value (FMV)?
This is the Beginning Year Balance plus Accrued Interest from previous December 31st
What is December 31st year following death?
This is the last date which allows non-spouse beneficiaries to use their own Single Life Expectancy.
What is the Joint Life and Last Survivor Expectancy table?
This table is used if the spouse is the 100% primary beneficiary and more than 10 years younger.
What is 60 day?
This is the time frame which a customer has to complete an IRA Rollover.
What is Carry-back / Prior Year Contributions?
This term defines the window of January 1st to April 15th each tax year
What is Uniform Lifetime Table?
This is used to calculate RMD distributions for most customers.
What is transfer to Their Own IRA?
This option available only to a Sole Spouse Beneficiary with 100% for entire year
Spousal Contribution
Being legally married is a requirement for this type of contribution.
What is Conversion?
This is the taxable movement of assets from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA
What is What is Catch-up Contribution?
This term defines the additional $1,000 that someone over 50 can contribute to an IRA.
What is April 1st the year following attaining age 72?
This is the Required Beginning Date or the last possible day to take your first RMD.
What is a any IRA Plan?
This type of IRA Plan does not allow beneficiaries to be named.
What is Premature Distribution
This is a distribution made under the age of 59 ½ with no qualifying reason.
What is a Direct Rollover?
This is the preferred method for moving funds from and employer plan to Associated Bank.
What is the day before their 18th Birthday?
This is the date for the last contribution to an Education Savings Account.
What are Qualified Educational Expenses?
You need these to take nontaxable distributions from an Education Savings Account
What is Separate Accounting ?
Associated Bank uses this method for calculating life expectancy for multiple beneficiaries.
What is a Contingent Beneficiary?
This individual receives the proceeds from the IRA if the primary beneficiary dies before the IRA Holder is deceased.
What are IRA Transfer Request, IRA Simplifier and Signature Card?
These three forms are required when requesting a Trustee Transfer to Associated Bank.


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