Hockey stars

Sports Let's go camping! Beer me American History Annagrammed Virginia Places
What is 12?
In professional hockey, this is the total number of players on the ice to start the game.
What is Swiss Army?
The camper knife from this "military" brand can help me open a can... or saw wood... or tweeze a splinter.
What is Budweiser?
Descendants of Adolphus Busch's original yeast culture are still used today in every bottle of this "King of Beers".
What is Watergate?
Nixon's press secretary Ron Ziegler called the break-in at this complex a "third-rate burglary".
What is Williamsburg?
Its colonial heritage has been preserved:
Who is Sandra Day O'Connor
At a dinner, Redskins RB John Riggins begged this Supreme Court Justice, "Come on, Sandy baby, loosen up".
What is Sterno?
Small cans of this trademarked flammable hydrocarbon jelly are used as a heat source for camp cooking.
What is Fosters?
A red kangaroo is on the so-called "oil cans" of this brand of beer.
What is the Mississippi?
By the 1763 Treaty of Paris, which ended the French & Indian War, Britain got the land east of this river.
What is Fairfax?
A "lord" of a place:
Who is Stephen Strasburg?
This Washington Nationals pitcher entered 2012 with 92 career innings pitched and 116 strikeouts.
What is down?
These soft feathers from geese or ducks are a lightweight insulating material for camping clothes.
What is Guinness?
This brand was the first to put a widget in cans of its draught beer to create the creamy head on a pint served in a pub.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson designed this small portable desk. He used it for decades
and then attached a note to it saying it might someday be of value.
because this important
national document had been composed on it
What is Alexandria?
On the Potomac River near D.C.:
What is 3?
Under head coach Joe Gibbs, the Washington Redskins won this many Superbowls.
What is poison ivy?
Be careful hiking through the woods & avoid brushing up against this itchy 3-leafed plant, Rhus radicans.
What is Coors?
The light beer from this brand is known as "The Silver Bullet"
What are tobacco and liquor?
Trying to cut the surplus in 1883, the government took the excise tax off everything but these 2 items.
What is Arlington?
Things can be "grave" there:
What is delay of game?
In ice hockey, Intentionally shooting the puck out of the rink results in this 3-word penalty.
What is a mattress?
To rough it in comfort, supplement your sleeping bag with an inflatable one of these.
What is Dos Equis?
"I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer" this brand.
What is Cuba?
In July 1960 the U.S. stopped imports of sugar from this country that was cozying up to the USSR.
What is Roanoke?
In the Shenandoah Valley:
What is 2004?
Alex Ovechkin was the first overall draft pick by the Washington Capitals in this year.

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