Physics African Americans Able Animals "Jon" Mythological Siblings
What is the poles?
In a magnet flux lines converge at these points
Who is Jackie Robinson?
The first American to play modern Major League Baseball, he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947
What is smell?
When a snake sticks out its tongue, it's not tasting but using this sense
What is mah-jongg
This tile game takes its name from the Chinese for "sparrows"
Who are the Gorgons?
Euryale and Stheno were immortal; Medusa was the only mortal one of these monster sisters
Who is Galileo?
This Italian discovered the laws of the pendulum when he observed a hanging lamp swing back and forth (daily double)
Who is Colin Powell
A biography of this former Cabinet secretary is subtitled "Soldier and Statesman"
What is their eyes?
Cats have tapetum lucidum membranes in this body part, so they have 2 chances to catch photons
What is Jonny Quest?
This adventurous cartoon boy had a pal named Hadji and a dog named Bandit
Who are Castor and Pollux?
Zeus rewarded these twin brothers by placing them in the stars as Gemini
What is atmospheric pressure?
This measure of pressure abbreviated atm. is equivalent to 14.7 pounds per square inch
Who is Maya Angelou
Her website calls her a Renaissance woman, poet, historian, author, actress, and playwright
What is whiskers?
Rats have poor vision but can enhance their perception by using these, also called vibrissae
What is jonquil?
Although this flower is a type of Narcissus it is popularly called this
Who is Apollo?
Artemis is his twin sister
What is a quark?
This elementary particle has 6 types: 3 have 1/3 unit of negative charge and 3 have 2/3 unit of positive charge
What is Cleveland?
Carl Stokes, the first black mayor of a major U.S. city, was mayor of this Ohio metropolis from 1967 to 1971
What is pheromones?
Some moths are able to detect chemical love signals called these up to 7 miles away
What is zabajone?
Also known as sabayon, a dessert or sauce consisting of egg yolks, sugar, and wine or liqour beaten until thick and served hot or cold
Who is Ares?
Some myths say that Aphrodite's affair with this Greek god of war produced Eros and brothers Phobos and Deimos
What is nucleons?
From their location, protons and neutrons but not electrons are called these, also ending in -on
Who is August Wilson
He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1987 for his play "Fences" and another for "The Piano Lesson" in 1990
What is an angler fish?
This fish has a road and bait on top of its head to lure and catch prey
What is donjon?
Sounding like the basement torture room, it's the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
Who is Electra?
She got her brother Orestes to kill their mom, Clytemnestra, to avenge the murder of Agamemnon, their dad

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