Roles Agile The cat's out of the bag Scrum 101 Terms and Conditions
Who is a Scrum Master?
The person ensuring the team lives agile values and principles and follows the practices that the team agreed they would use.
What is working software?
The primary measure of progress for an agile development team.
What is a Team Velocity?
Describes how much work a team can get done within an iteration.
What is Stand-up?
A daily sync for the team.
What is a User Story?
Typically written in the format, “As a , I want , so that .”
What is Snix?
The channel that ensures we fight our afternoon hunger cravings.
What is a Working Agreement?
An arrangement made by a team on how they want to work.
What is a Definition of Done?
An agreed upon list of the activities deemed necessary in order to call a user story complete.
What is a Retrospective?
A tool use to inspect and adapt at the end of a development cycle.
What is Backlog Grooming?
Product Owner works with the development team to refine and priorities, scope sequencing, and readiness of work.
Who is the Product Owner?
The sole person responsible for the backlog and for maximize the value of the product
What is Agile?
Software development philosophy based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams.
What is a Release Plan?
Determining strategy for when a feature of working software will get into the hands of users to determine if the value was met.
What is a Sprint Backlog?
A prioritized list of user stories the team commits to delivering in a development cycle.
What is Story Point or Estimate?
Evaluation of the effort necessary to carry out a given development task.
Who is the Development Team?
The people responsible for delivering working software.
What is the Agile Mind-set?
The way of thinking and the working culture that focuses on the people doing the work and how they work together.
What is Lead Time?
The time between when a customer or user makes a request and when it is actually delivered to them.
What is a Product Backlog?
Ordered list of everything that might be needed and is continuously added to.
What is Given, Then, When?
A formula used to write the acceptance test of a user story.
Who are the stakeholders or users?
The people who enable the product and who the product is providing value for.
What is the Agile Manifesto?
Four values of and twelve principles of agile software development.
Who is the Product Owner and Development Team
The group of people responsible for determining when a release will happen.
What is a Sprint Review or Sprint Demo?
Where teams show raw, working software of completed work during a developmental cycle. Anyone can attend.
What is INVEST?
Acronym used to assess the quality of a user story.


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