Grab Bag Terms Techniques
What is the narrative therapist's role
View individuals as experts of their own lives, give them a safe environment to truly
Reweaving narrative accounts in more palatable and coherent histories.
What is getting the client or family's story
What does a narrative assessment begin with?
What is the new or "preferred" story
The non-dominant story, the story the client wants to tell.
What is Deconstruction
A postmodern approach to exploring meaning by taking apart and examining taken-for-granted categories and assumptions, making possible newer and sounder constructions of meaning
What is in the form of questions
Narrative therapy most commonly takes what form?
What is Narrative Therapy Interventions
Externalizing The Problem, Social Constructivism, Deconstructive Questions, Mapping the Influence, Identifying Unique Outcomes, Enlisting a Witness
What is Problem-Saturated Stories
Sometimes referred to as "tunnel vision," The usual pessimistic and blaming accounts that clients bring to therapy, which are seen as helping keep them stuck.
What is to help clients find audiences to support their progress in constructing new stories for themselves?
What is the role of reinforcing the new story in Narrative Therapy
What is when people construe their experiences in unhelpful ways
According to Narrative Therapists, what is the cause of behavior disorders?
What is unique outcomes
The term for times when clients acted free of their problems, even if they were unaware of doing so. Narrative therapists identify unique outcomes as a way to help clients challenge negative views of themselves.
What is challenging negative images of self and emphasizing positive action
What is the goal of a "meaning question"?
What is relative influence questions
Questions designed to explore the extent to which the problem has dominated the client versus how much he or she has been able to control it.

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