General Neuro
What is A, B, E
A, B, E are correct, C is incorrect because inhibitory neurotransmitters open chloride channels not sodium. D is incorrect because norepinephrine is associated with attentiveness, emotions, sleeping, dreaming and learning.

Which of these statements about neurotransmitters is correct? (select all that apply)
a. Excitatory neurotransmitters open up sodium channels
b. Acetylcholine is associated with memory and learning
c. Inhibitory neurotransmitters open up sodium channels
d. Norepinephrine is associated with control of movements, motivation and reward, addiction
e. Serotonin is associated with how you process emotions
What is B, C, F
B,C,F are correctly matched with their nerve and how you test each of them. A is the olfactory nerve no the optic and you ask the patient “ can you smell…”. D is the trochlear nerve and you use the 6 cardinal fields of gaze. E is the trigeminal nerve and you ask the patient to smile or raise their eyebrows.
Which cranial nerves are correctly matched with what they are and how you test them? (select all that apply)
a.Cranial nerve I is the optic nerve and you use the 6 cardinal fields of gaze
b.Cranial nerve II is the optic nerve and you ask the patient to read a sentence
c. Cranial nerve III is the oculomotor nerve and you use PERRLA
d. Cranial nerve IV is the trigeminal nerve and you ask the patient to smile or raise their eyebrows
e. Cranial nerve V is the trochlear nerve and you use the 6 cardinal fields of gaze
f. Cranial nerve VI is the abducens nerve and you use the 6 cardinal fields of gaze

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