What happened in the Big Bang
What created all living things
The Big Bang Theory
What is an Emission Spectra
It's a star fingerprint
What does CMBR stand for
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
What causes Meteorites
It's pieces of the asteroid
What is the difference between Redshift/Blueshift
Redshift is when an object is close to you omits a red color and Blueshift is an object is far away from making a blue color
What is the relation between the accretion disk and Earth
Without an accretion disk, the elements wouldn't collide together and that means the planets wouldn't form
Can Lunar rocks determine the age
Yes, because of lunar rocks they are found on the moon and the moon has no atmosphere which means no erosion or weathering.
What is the process of planetary accretion
Starts out as space dust and gas and collides with each other until they form planets
What happens if the protostar doesn't reach the certain temperature what star does it turn
If the temperature isn't reached then the protostar will change into a brown dwarf star.

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