The Temple

4 Letter Names Dynamic Duos Geography Theocratic Throwbacks Daily Bread
Who is Luke?
This person uses more than 300 medical terms in his Bible book.
Who is Adam & Eve?
A garden caretaker and his female counterpart.
What is Cana?
Jesus’ first recorded miracle took place in this Galilean village.
What is the Reasoning book?
It’s 1995. You’d never be out in the ministry without this little brown book.
What is Lamb?
Just as the __________'s blood on the door post saved lives, Jesus' blood does too.

Who is Saul?
A king who didn’t pass on the throne to any of his 8 children.
Who is David & Goliath?
A Jewish shepherd boy and his colossal enemy.
What is Ethiopia?
A land also called Cush. The birthplace of a famous official from the court of Queen Candace.
What is the Family Happiness book?
If you’re thinking of getting married, you’ll be sure to study this book published in 1996 with your beau.
What is Manna?
Food mentioned in the Bible that tasted like flat-cakes with honey.

Who is Jehu?
One could measure his zeal in the amount of blood he spilled.
Who is Ruth & Naomi?
A famous ancestress of Jesus Christ and her mother-in-law.
What is Samaria?
If you were from the northern 10 tribe kingdom, this was your capital city.
What is The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life?
It’s 1975. You’re studying this “explosive” blue book.
What are Leeks?
Onion-like vegetable that the Israelites longed for while in the wilderness.
Who is Amos?
The nipper of figs.
Who is Leah & Rachael?
The wives of Israel.
What is Golgotha?
A place outside Jerusalem whose name means, “skull place”.
What is Aid to Bible Understanding?
Before the 1988 release of the Insight books, this volume served as our Bible encyclopedia.
What are Olives?
King David climbed the Mount of ________ as he fled from his son Absalom.
Who is Jude?
A relative of Jesus who wrote a book of the Bible. He May have initially thought the Christ was “out of his mind”.
Who is Aquila & Priscilla?
A husband & wife tentmaking duo.
What is Mt. Moriah?
The place to which Abraham traveled to sacrifice Isaac.
What is You Can Live Forever on Paradise on Earth?
It’s 1985. ‘You Can’ acquire this attractively illustrated Bible study aid for just $2.50!
What are Locusts?
This animal was described as resembling a horse later in the Bible.

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