Stages of Group Development Accident Potential Model Kolb Learning style Facilitating, Teaching, Lecturing Adventure Paradigm
What is Forming, Storming, Norming, Preforming
What are the 4 original stages of group development in order of how they occur
What is Environmental Danger and Human Dangers
The accident potential model includes what two main categories of danger
What is four
How many learning phases are there in the Kolb Learning Style?
What is low
Would agency for a student be low medium or high if they were being taught via lecture?
What is Peak Adventure
When one’s competence aligns equally with risk, what is achieved?
What is Preforming
in what stage of group development does the group develop "functional role relatedness" and is a "problem solving instrument"
What is human dangers
Client/participants, leaders, Drivers, and group are subcategories of which of the two main categories of danger in the accident potential model
What is Active Experimentation, Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization
What are the two of the four phases of the kolb learning style
What is the level at which the person is engaging the other people involved - vocally, externally, and ways that affect the overall learning
What is active participation?
What is Devastation/Disaster
When one aligns very high risk with an expanded perception of competence, what could, unfortunately, be the actual outcome?
What is Bruce W Tuckman
Who is coined for creating the stages of group development we discussed in class
What is Other erratic drivers are environmental dangers and poor driving skills and human dangers
of the two aspects "Other erratic drivers" and "poor driving skills", which one would be considered a human related danger and which one is an environmental danger.
What is Converging, diverging, accommodating, assimilating
what are the four preferred learning styles
What is Teaching
What is the method of learning we experience most
What is Exploration & experimentation
When one aligns very low risk with a level of competence perceived lower than their actual competence, what could be the outcome?
What is Adjourning
What is the 5th stage of group development that was added on following the revision in 1977
What is Leader: instructions unclear
Client Participants: resistant to instructions
Group: Interpersonal frictions unresolved
Drivers: rushing to meet schedule
The four presented subcategories of human dangers are: client/participant, leaders, drivers, and group. match each of the following to their respective subcategory. Instructions unclear, rushing to meet schedule, Interpersonal frictions unresolved, and resistant to instructions.
What is Reflective Observation
Watching is which part of the Experiential Learning Cycle?
What is What is the “Capacity for individuals to act independently and make their own free choices”
What is Agency
What is Adventure
When one’s perception of risk and competence align, but the real risk is slightly lower, what is achieved?
What is interpersonal relationships and task activity
Tuckman's original article on group development focused on what two realms of group development
What is Equipment
A broken stove is an example of which subcategory of environmental danger
What is Assimilating style
If you tend to use approaches that include reflective observation and abstract conceptualization, which preferred learning style would you fall under
What is The “teacher” holds knowledge and power, and “students” are those without knowledge who need to be taught.
What is the “banking model” of education (this teaching more aligns with lecturing)
What is Misadventure
When one’s perception of risk and competence align, but the real risk is slightly higher, what could, unfortunately, be the actual outcome?

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