Context Clues Synonyms and Antonyms Types of Fiction Types of nonfiction Affixes
What is A?
the mood in the church became very solemn when the bride walked down the aisle.
What does SOLEMN mean?A. Serious and dignified
B. Noisy
C. Sad
D. Happy
what are A&D?
What are all the antonyms of slowly?
A. Rapidly
B. unhurriedly
C. leisurely
D. quickly
What is a mystery novel?
There is usually a murder or a crime and the reader does not know who did it until the end of the story.
What is an autobiography?
A true story that is written by the author about his or herself
What is METER?
Root word that means to measure.
Whaat is B?
Ladies, please stop the name calling. There's no reason to act uncivil.
What does uncivil mean?
A. polite
B. impolite
C. loving
D. playful i
What are A,B,&D?
What are the synonyms for silly?
A. foolish
B. brainless
C. intelligent
D. mindless
What is a fantasy story?
This novel takes place in a world that includes dragons, witches, vampires, and mythical creatures?
What is a biography?
A true story about a person written by someone else.
What is HEMI?
Root word that means half.
What is D?
What is John was so hungry that he consumed all the donuts?
A. to throw away
B. to give to someone else
C. to purchase from a store
D. to eat
What are A and D?What are the antonyms of smooth?
A. unwrinkled
B. rough
C. polished
D. dull
What are the antonyms of smooth?
A. unwrinkled
B. rough
C. polished
D. dull
What is science fiction?
This novel takes places in the future and includes space, time travel and life on other planets
What is a newspaper?
A printed paper that contains the current events.
What is a prefix?
This affix is at the beginning of a word.
What is A?
What is Sharon thought it was peculiar that she saw no children on the street.
What is peculiar?
A. Strange or unusual
B. Felt happy and glad
C. Felt annoyed
D. Thought she was in a ghost town
What are A&D?
What is What are the antonyms of warm?
B. chilly
C. cool
D pleasant
What is What are the antonyms of warm?
B. chilly
C. cool
D pleasant
What is a historical novel?
This story takes place in the past and includes history.
What is a sports magazine?
Go here to look for articles about your favorite basketball or football team.
What is a suffix?
This affix is at the end of a word.
What is B?
What is If a wolf refuses to help its pack hunt, it becomes an outcast and must go on alone.
What is an outcast?
A. Accepted by your friends
B. Rejected by your friends
C. Loved by your friends
D. Accepted by your parents only
What are A&B?
What are the synonyms for students?
A. scholar
B. learner
C. teacher
D. professor
What is a fairy tale?

This novel may include magic. It includes kings and queens and a handsome prince and beautiful princess
What is nonfiction?.
Writing that deals with real people and usually state the facts.
What is AGRI?
This root word means farming

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