Abbreviations Prefixes and Suffixes Parts of speech Multiple Meaning words Synonyms and Antonyms
What is the abbreviation for

Un is the prefix and the word unhappy means someone is not happy.
Where is the prefix in the word unhappy? What does the word mean?
C. fly
Which word is a verb in the sentence?

The garden is full of birds that fly from tree to tree.

A. garden
B. tree
C. fly
D. birds
C. The musician uses a bow to play the violin.
In what sentence does the word bow have a different meaning?

I tied a bow in my hair.

A. I put a red bow on the present.
B. There is a bow when I tie my shoes.
C. The musician uses a bow to play the violin.
D. Will you tie my ribbon in a bow?
I have several different fish in my fishtank. What is a synonym for several?
What is the abbreviation for Wednesday?
Prefix, the word now means without respect.
Does the word disrespect have a prefix or suffix? How does it change the word?
C. watch
Which word is a noun in the sentence below?

The old man looked at his watch to check the time.

A. looked
B. watch
C. check
C. I wore my new dress to the ball.
Cinderella danced at the ball.

In which sentence does the word ball have the same meaning?

A. We had a ball at the party.
B. Sergio gave his friend a new soccer ball.
C. I wore my new dress to the ball.
C. safe
What is an antonym for unsafe?

A. dangerous
B. not safe
C. safe
D. foolish
Feb. is an abbreviation for_______?
Careless has a suffix and it means 'without care'
Does the word careless have a prefix or suffix? What does the word careless mean?
A. pack
Which word in the sentence is a verb?

Be sure to pack you tennis shoes for the trip.

A. pack
B. shoes
C. trip
B. The brown parts on a map stand for mountains.
The stripes on our flag stand for the 13 colonies.

In which sentence does the word stand have the same meaning?

A. We had to stand in line at the movie theater.
B. The brown parts on a map stand for mountains.
C. I put the flagpole in its stand.
I was present at my sisters birthday.

What is an antonym for present?
B. M.L.K.
How would you abbreviate Martin Luther King?
A. M.L.k.
B. M.L.K.
C. M.l.K.
The word misunderstand has a prefix and the word misunderstand means to 'not understand'.
Does the word misunderstand have a prefix or suffix? What does the word mean?
B. garden, worm, plant, seed
Which list of words is all nouns?

A. tast, tomato, vine, sweet
B. garden, worm, plant, seed
C. sun, grow, dirt,fence
A. I do not want to catch a cold.
If I catch the ball we will win the game.

In which sentence does the word catch have a DIFFERENT meaning?

A. I do not want to catch a cold.
B. My brother loves to catch butterflies in his net.
C. My dog can catch a frisbee with his mouth.
D. Will you ca
D. sad
What is a synonym for unhappy?

A. shy
B. mean
C. cry
D. sad
B. st.
How do you abbreviate the word street?
A. St.
B. st.
C. S.T.
D. s.T.
C. roll, slide, climb, throw
Which group of words is all verbs?

A. swim, clapped, hiccup, was
B. his, skate, slip, shake
C. roll, slide, climb, throw
D. hot, dream, smile, fabulous
C. dive
A bird can swoop down from a branch to catch a worm.

Find a synonym for the word swoop.

A. grip
B. trip
C. dive

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