Let's Move Breathe Before Writing or a Test The Brain How the brain learns
What are 10 jumping jacks?
This is a good way to get heart rate's up.
What are 5 mindful breaths.
This can be done quickly, any time anywhere, to regain attention and calm students.
What are anchor breaths.
This can be used every time you assign a new assignment.
What is the hippocampus.
This part of the brain is responsible for concentration and memory.
What are patterns.
This is something the brain seeks to make sense of new information.
What is touch your left hand to your right foot and your right hand to your left foot. Repeat 10 times.
This exercise can be used to help integrate and organize information.
What is mindful listening.
This helps students practice focus and attention.
What is a body scan.
This can be used for a big test.
What is the pre-frontal cortex.
This part of the brain is where problem solving, impulse control, organization and critical thinking take place.
What is continuous feedback.
This is important for students to be able to comprehend and problem-solve.
What are desk push ups.
This is a physical exercise that can increase attention.
What is 5 finger breaths.
This is a way for students to have an anchor for their breathing.
What is a wall sit.
This is a good idea for a break during a test.
What is the amygdala.
This is the emotional center of the brain.
What is interweaving information and connecting new information to previous knowledge.
This is how brains work best.
What is stop/go.
This exercise supports impulse control.
What is "light breathing"
This is a tool to use when students are upset or emotional.
What is rubbing across the midline.
This can be used if you notice stress or frustration during a test.
What is the amygdala release cortisol that floods the other parts of the brain. A stressed brain can't learn!
This happens in the brain when we get stressed.
What is repetition and multiple-channel processing to strengthen new neuron connections.
This is something the brain needs to move information from working memory to long term memory.
What is a 5-4-3-2-1 walk.
This is an exercise that can be used in the classroom or in-between classes.
What is Stop, Drop, and Roll.
This can be used when students have a conflict that is prohibiting them from learning.
What is SCANS.
This is a good exercise to transition to and from different assignments/tests.
What is they calm the amygdala allowing the other part of their brain to do their job which allows students to learn.
This is why brain breaks are very important.
What is around 26.
This is the age that the prefrontal cortex is fully developed.

Learning and the Brain

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