
Anointing of the Sick Healing of the Soul Video Correlations & Art Print
When a person is ill or in danger of death.
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When we celebrate the Anointing of the Sick?
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The Mortal sins.
What are the sins type that separates us from God?
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About the miracles and parables Jesus performed during his life.
[Art Print]
What the mosaics from the Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo depcite about Jesus?
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The Priest
Who celebrates the Anointing of the Sick.
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The priest offers the A B S O L U T I O N of the sins.
What does the priest offer after hearing your confession?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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The power to Baptize - Sacrament of Baptism
The power to convert the wine and bread to his blood and flesh - Sacrament of Eucharist
The power to anoint the sick - Sacrament of Anoint of the Sick
The power to forgive sins - Sacrament of Reconciliation
[Video - Confession]
What are the four "spiritual powers" that Jesus gave to his disciples or our priests?
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Because we believe that life is sacred and is not acceptable to end a person's life because of illness or because is old
Why the Church condemns the EUTHANASIA?
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It eases our consciences, bring us peace, and comforts us spiritually.
What the reconciliation brings to us?
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On his soul, not in his mortal body.
[Video - Anointing of the Sick]
Where does the dignity of a man resides on?
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It's olive oil and its called "oil of the sick".
What is the type and the name of the oil used in the Anointing of the Sick?
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They stay in the Purgatory.
After death, where does some people that are still not ready to be in the presence of God stay?

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Because this is a way to express we are sorry and want his forgiveness.
[Video - Confession]
Why do we have to vocalize the sins to the priest if God already knows all my sins?
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Is consecrated during the Holy Week and is performed by the Bishop.
When is the oil of the sick and Chrism consecrated and by whom?
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The Sacrament of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is when the Holy Spirit heals us from sins and it's effects.

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Yes. It can be received as many time as needed.
[Video - Anointing of the Sick]
Can the Anointing of the Sick be received more than once on someone's life?
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John in 20:23
Who was the apostle that wrote:
"Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”?
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Lesson 19th Sacraments of Healing

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